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"Oh, my lovely rubber doll!" "Maybe maybe she can swim up!" said Bunny. "She she can not!" Sue cried. "How can she swim up when there isn't any water 'cept away down there in the bottom of the well?" "If she was a circus doll she could climb up the bucket-rope, Sue." "Yes, but she isn't a circus doll. Oh, dear!" "And if I was a circus man, I could climb down the rope and get her!" Bunny went on.

The whole family of ropes of which, by the way, it is a common saying, that there are but three to a ship, namely, bolt-rope, bucket-rope, and man-rope, all the rest of the cordage being called by its special name, as tack, sheet, clew-line, bow-line, brace, shroud, or stay the whole family of ropes are akin only by marriage.

And how it was done or who did it nobody quite knew, but Potts, still clinging by one hand to the bucket-rope, was hauled out and laid on the ice before it was discovered that he had Kaviak under his arm Kaviak, stark and unconscious, with the round eyes rolled back till one saw the whites and nothing more.

In the first place," continued the captain, jerking at his line, and then beginning to count on his fingers "There is the 'man- rope; then come the 'bucket-rope, the 'tiller-rope, the 'bolt- rope, the 'foot-rope, the 'top-rope, and the 'limber-rope. I have followed the seas, now, more than half a century, and never yet heard of a 'cable-rope, from any one who could hand, reef, and steer."

Farther away from the Little Cabin, and nearer the bank, was the small well-hole. Between the two they noticed, as they raced by, the water-bucket hung on that heavy piece of driftwood that had frozen aslant in the river. Mac saw that the bucket-rope was taut, and that it ran along the ice and disappeared behind the big funnel of the fish-trap.

Then, ramble on, and see, at every turn, the little familiar tokens of human habitation and every-day pursuits; the chafing of the bucket-rope in the stone rim of the exhausted well; the track of carriage- wheels in the pavement of the street; the marks of drinking-vessels on the stone counter of the wine-shop; the amphorae in private cellars, stored away so many hundred years ago, and undisturbed to this hour all rendering the solitude and deadly lonesomeness of the place, ten thousand times more solemn, than if the volcano, in its fury, had swept the city from the earth, and sunk it in the bottom of the sea.

Then, ramble on, and see, at every turn, the little familiar tokens of human habitation and everyday pursuits, the chafing of the bucket-rope in the stone rim of the exhausted well; the track of carriage-wheels in the pavement of the street; the marks of drinking-vessels on the stone counter of the wine-shop; the amphoræ in private cellars, stored away so many hundred years ago, and undisturbed to this hour all rendering the solitude and deadly lonesomeness of the place, ten thousand times more solemn, than if the volcano, in its fury, had swept the city from the earth, and sunk it in the bottom of the sea.