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Between Labu and Songi are the following countries: Kupi Kajang, Pakah, Buah, Kalaku, Baringan, and Magnarabunbang; each with a separate petty rajah. The country is moderately well cleared; about an average height, near the shore, of 300 feet; with few habitations about, but no towns or villages.

If a young woman prove with child before marriage they observe it is daulu buah, kadian bunga the fruit before the flower. Hearing of a person's death they say, nen matti, matti; nen idup, bekraja: kallo sampi janji'nia, apa buli buat? Those who are dead, are dead; those who survive must work: if his allotted time was expired, what resource is there?

THE KAMILING OR BUAH KRAS, Juglans camirium. L. Wilkins delt. Engraved by J. Swaine. The natives of the hills make use of it as a substitute for the coconut, both in their cookery and for procuring a delicate oil. Its outer coat, like those of the other rotans, is covered with scales, or the appearance of nice basket-work.

The designs can best be explained by a reference to Pl. 142, Figs. 2 4; the part of the design marked A is termed BETIK BUAH, fruit pattern; B, betik lawa, trunk pattern; and C, BETIK LULUD, shin pattern.

The Iban youth strings together a necklace of strongly scented seed known as BUAH BALONG. This he generally carries about with him, and, when his inclination is directed towards some fair one, he places it under her pillow, or endeavours to persuade her to wear it about her neck. If she accepts it, he reckons her half won.

From a rubbing of a carved model in the Sarawak Museum. From a tatu-block in the Sarawak Museum. Plate 142. Tatu design on the forearm of a Kalabit woman. From a drawing. Tatu design on front of leg of a Kalabit woman. C = BETIK LULUD, shin pattern. From a photograph. Tatu design on back of leg of a Kalabit woman. A = BETIK BUAH, fruit pattern; B = BETIK LAWA, trunk pattern. From a drawing.