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Markam Street suddenly assumed a Sunday-like appearance, the Brooksites seeking safety in the State House and the Baxterites in the Antony. The feet of General White's troops fought bravely. Three hours later it was announced that they had made the fifty miles to Pine Bluff without a break, windless, but happy. Each faction was deficient in arms to equip their adherents.

Another reference to the "Hammonites" and "Brooksites" will be found in the Winslow Papers, page 392. Henry Alline, the Whitefield of Nova Scotia, was born at Newport, Rhode Island, June 14, 1748. He settled with his parents at Talmouth, N. S., in 1760. He was a preacher of fervid eloquence, which, as in the case of Whitefield, few who came under its influence were able to resist.

Theodore S. Harding and Rev. Joseph Crandall. See Dr. Bill's History of the Baptists, page 698. The people referred to as "Brooksites" by Sheriff Bates were the founders of the Baptist denomination in Waterborough and Canning, Queens county, N. B., over whom Rev. An interesting account of the origin of this church is to be found in Dr. Bill's Hist. of the Baptists pp. 594-602.

In Sheffield and Waterboro the people became divided into three sects, named after their own preachers: Hartites, Brooksites and Hammonites, who were annually inspired by two travelling preachers from Nova Scotia." The sheriff had very little that was good to say of these evangelists, whose methods and doctrines he cordially disliked. The two preachers were in all probability Rev.