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To make sure that I should forget nothing, he drew the family photographs from under his pillow, and handed them over: the little witch-grandmother, with a face like a withered walnut, the father, a fine broken-looking old boy with a Roman nose and a weak chin, the mother, in crape, simple, serious and provincial, the little sister ditto, and Alain, the young brother just the age the brutes have been carrying off to German prisons an over-grown thread-paper boy with too much forehead and eyes, and not a muscle in his body.

On a larger altar greater sacrifices are being offered up for our breakfast. A crowd of nearly naked Bheels watch the rites and snuff the fragrant incense of venison from a respectable distance. Their leader, a broken-looking old man, with hardly a rag on, stands apart exchanging deep confidences with my friend the Shikarry.

Then when they were crossing it the King's Son and Flann saw two figures a middle-aged, sturdy man and an old, broken-looking woman meet before the Bull's Field. "It is the Gobaun Saor," said the King's Son. "It is the Spae-Woman," said Flann. They went to them, each wishing to greet his friend and helper. There they saw a sturdy, middle-aged man and a broken-looking old woman.

She had been angry with him for allowing that foolish practical joke of hers to take so fixed and fatal a form; but now she saw him wan and broken-looking she was prepared to forgive him everything. 'You must take care of yourself, Brian, she said, when they were sitting side by side in one of the drawing-room windows, while Lady Palliser dispensed afternoon tea.

They were the only wounds I got in the war, but I went under with dysentery before the relief; and though I was by no means a bad case I was a very yellow-faced, broken-looking convalescent when at last the Boer hosts rolled northward again and Buller's men came riding across the flats....