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She had come, she said and scarcely on the lips of the loveliest Creole did I ever hear a more bewitching broken-English she had come according to a half-promise made to Mrs. Fontenette to show her "I tidn't etsectly promised, I chust said I vill some time come " "And Mrs. Fontenette didn't object," I playfully interrupted

Shabby Swiss eating-houses, coffee-houses, and lodging-houses, Swiss drinks and dishes, Swiss service for Sundays, and Swiss schools for week-days, are all to be found there. Even the native-born English taverns drive a sort of broken-English trade; announcing in their windows Swiss whets and drams, and sheltering in their bars Swiss skirmishes of love and animosity on most nights in the year.

The month of December 1714 saw the reopening of the theatre in Lincoln's Inn Fields, under letters patent originally granted by Charles II. to Christopher Rich, and restored by his broken-English Majesty George I. The renewal created a dangerous rival to Drury Lane, but it is not probable that the king worried over having planted such a thorn in the sides of Messrs.

The Greek this hot Thursday became especially friendly. He twirled his heavy black mustache and carried on an animated broken-English conversation most of the afternoon. Incidentally, he sent over one ice coffee with thick cream and two frosted chocolates. The little Spaniard next to him, he who served pies and ice cream and more amazing dessertshe, too, became very friendly.

Cis, likely, would have nothing to say, but would look all she felt; and Grandpa would sandwich a few words in between other people's. But Mrs. Kukor! Hers would be the story worth hearing! Oh, that volume of broken-English! Johnnie counted upon it. With such pleasing thoughts he occupied himself as he and One-Eye stole up the stairs.