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Makes you look broader-chested and square-shouldered more of the man. But, here, Lieutenant Lacey wants you up at his quarters. Sent that chuckle-headed Joe Todd, his servant, to fetch you directly." "What does he want?" cried Dick, aghast with the idea that something had been found out. "Go and ask him." "But I must change first." "Nonsense! Go as you are.

Many were fain to hope he might have learned to smoke during the summer, an accomplishment which would probably have moderated his energy not a little, and disposed him rather to reverie than to action. But here he was, and all the broader-chested and stouter-armed for his labors in the harvest-field.

He noticed that the outlines of his son's face were more pronounced, and darkened with the tan of camp life. An air of resolution, of confidence in his own powers, appeared to emanate from his person. Six months of intense life had transformed him. He was the same but broader-chested and more stalwart.

For, thank God, I proved to be not only `sound in mind and limb, but taller and broader-chested than most lads of my age. While as for my sight "By Jove, Trimmens," observed the doctor, "I think he could pretty nearly see through that bulkhead and the Bill of Portland beyond! He has eyes like gimlets!" "Yes, sir!"