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Laughing, shouting, splashing, the campers sported in the water until all of a sudden a red canoe shot into their midst and the director of Camp Altamont, accompanied by two assistants, came in an advanced stage of breathlessness to find out what the matter was. They heard the noise and the splashing of water and thought some accident had occurred.

Stevens looked and listened, and half forgot himself in the breathlessness of his attention his eye fastened with a gaze of absolute devotion on her features, until, having finished her song, she detected the expression of his face, and started, with blushing cheeks, to her feet.

But it was distinctly characteristic: first, in a strongly dramatic tone and strain without regular dramatic form; secondly, in a peculiar fluency of decasyllabic verse that could not be directly traced to any model; and, thirdly, in a certain quality of thought, which in later days for a long time received, and never entirely lost from the vulgar, the name of "obscurity," but which perhaps might be more justly termed breathlessness the expression, if not the conception, of a man who either did not stop at all to pick his words, or was only careful to pick them out of the first choice that presented itself to him of something not commonplace.

Then, lunching alone one day in the Shoreham, he saw Audrey Valentine at another table. He had not seen her for weeks, and he had an odd moment of breathlessness when his eyes fell on her. She was pale and thin, and her eyes looked very tired. His first impulse was to go to her. The second, on which he acted, was to watch her for a little, to fill his eyes for the long months of emptiness ahead.

She stood gasping, since speak she could not for breathlessness, supporting herself with one hand upon the side of the chariot and with the other pointing to the bend in the road. At last a word came, one only. It was: "Murder!" "She means that she is going to be murdered," said the Prince to me. "No," she panted, "you you! The Hebrews. Go back!" "Turn the horses!" I cried to the charioteer.

"Here comes mother," she said, with a sort of breathlessness, as if speaking her thought aloud, and through the open door the Marches could see the old lady on the stairs. She paused half-way down, and turning, called up: "Coonrod! Coonrod! You bring my shawl down with you." Her daughter Mela called out to her, "Now, mother, Christine 'll give it to you for not sending Mike."

He asked a quick question or two, with something like a most unaccustomed breathlessness in his voice, and then he said, in the businesslike but kind way which characterized him when his sympathies were roused: "I'll be there as quick as I can get there. Call Doctor Buller for me, and let Doctor Grayson know I may want him."

The doctors were uncertain which of the two would pass away first. "You must remember that at this time I was ignorant of the rich man's will, and consequently of how the fate of a poor child of whom I had heard only one mention, hung in the balance at that awful moment. But in the breathlessness which seized Mrs.

If only we had the submachine gun with us, but Wat took it along, and he's gone." "Not much chance, I'm afraid," said Hilary; "but we'll fight it out. Here they come." The two men crouched lower. All about them was silence; not even a leaf stirred in the heavy breathlessness. The driving fliers were easily visible now.

His face was very red and moist and his hand, as he reached out for Robin's bag, shook, but Robin did not notice all that; she slipped quickly through the door and shut it behind her, as though fearful that at the last moment she might find it impossible to go. Out in the thin sunshine, whirring through the traffic of the crowded streets, neither spoke for breathlessness.