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A momentary glow of unholy glee on Gus Brannhard's face; Coombes didn't like the idea at all. "Your Honor, I trust that that suggestion was only made facetiously," he said. "It wasn't, Mr. Coombes." "Then if your Honor will not hold me in contempt for saying so, it is the most shockingly irregular I won't go so far as to say improper trial procedure I've ever heard of.

Brannhard and I could go off somewhere and play poker while the prosecutor would smash the case to pieces." "Well, we won't have just one prosecutor, Mr. Coombes, we will have two. I'll swear you and Mr. Brannhard in as special prosecutors, and you can prosecute Mr. Brannhard's client, and he yours. I think that would remove any further objections."

Brannhard, that you have overstated the case. Mr. O'Brien, I take a very unfavorable view of your action in this matter. You had no right to have what are at least putatively sapient beings treated in this way, and even viewing them as mere physical evidence I must agree with Mr. Brannhard's characterization of your conduct as criminally reckless.

Court will convene in five minutes " Brannhard's head jerked around instantly, and Jack's eyes followed his. The court crier was a Space Navy petty officer. "What the devil is this?" Brannhard demanded. "A Navy court-martial?" "That's what I've been wondering, Mr. Brannhard," the deputy said. "They've taken over the whole planet, you know." "Maybe we're in luck, Gus.

"The Fuzzies ought to have those things." The management of the Hotel Mallory appeared to have undergone a change of heart, or of policy, toward Fuzzies. It might have been Gus Brannhard's threats of action for racial discrimination and the possibility that the Fuzzies might turn out to be a race instead of an animal species after all.

"Most of these witnesses will have to be recalled to the stand later, but in general I think Mr. Brannhard's suggestion will be economical of the court's time." "Will Mr. Coombes agree to stipulate that any evidence tending to prove or disprove the sapience of Fuzzies in general be accepted as proving or disproving the sapience of the being referred to as Goldilocks?"