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'Pretty near. There's nothing so much between us as'd prevent 'em from taking airs with us if they could find out anything to do it for. 'If they could! Samson assented. 'Abel Eeddy was a bragger and a boaster from his cradle days. 'That's where it is, cried Mrs.

"Braganza! bragger it is," he replied; "and a bragger, indeed. See that feather in his cap! See how he struts in that coat! He may well wear a green one, top-mates he's a green-looking swab at the best." "Hush, Jonathan," said I; "there's the First Duff looking up. Be still! the Emperor will hear you;" and I put my hand on his mouth.

They want to have the mirror held up to them. I know they feel sore here about the picture my mirror gives them, and it's natural they should, especially comin' from a Yankee; and they call me a great bragger. But that's nothin' new; doctors do the same when a feller cures a poor wretch they have squeezed like a sponge, ruinated, and given up as past hope. They sing out Quack.

The reply is in the same strain, and may serve to give the reader some idea of the old gentleman as a religious controversialist: "My reverend friend and kind McGregore, Although thou ne'er was ca'd a bragger, Thy muse I'm sure nave e'er was glegger Thy Scottish lays Might gar Socinians fa' or stagger, E'en in their ways.

"Folks were saying his money was all spent." "Folks are far wrong then. Andrew has all the money he ever had. Andrew isn't a bragger, and his money has been silent so far, but it will speak ere long." "With money to the fore, you shouldn't have been so scrimpit with yourselves in such a time of work and trouble. Folks noticed it." "I don't believe in wasting anything, Sabrina, even grief.

"Ah! zur, I'd climb with any bragger in this ship for a rook's nest, where I ha' got a safe bough to stand upon; but to dance upon this here see-sawing line, and to call it a horse, too, ben't Christian loike." But his troubles were soon to cease. He was made a waister, and, at furling sails stationed on the main yard. I will anticipate a little that we may have done with him.

Then they shook them at each other in friendly salute, and the little group moved away from the river bank. "I'm glad I've seen Bill again," said the sergeant. "Fine feller an' that Mississippian with him was quaint like. Mighty big bragger." "You did some bragging yourself, sergeant," said Dick. "So I did, but it was in answer to Henderson. I'm glad we had that little talk across the river.

Rankin was never much of a bragger or much of a talker, but he let out a few hints, and, accordin' to Red Desert rulin's, Flemister wasn't much better than a dead man, right then. But it blew over, some way, and now " "Now he is Flemister's accomplice in a hanging matter, you would say. I'm afraid you are right, Judson," was the superintendent's comment; and with this the subject was dropped.

When Ben was about two years old his mother married again, and this second husband was a bricklayer. Ben, however, tells us that his own father was a gentleman, belonging to a good old Scottish Border family, and that he had lost all his estates in the reign of Queen Mary. But about the truth of this we do not know, for Ben was a bragger and a swaggerer.

His character, as given by Drummond, is not a particularly attractive one, "a great lover and praiser of himself, a contemner and scorner of others, given rather to lose a friend than a jest, jealous of every word and action of those about him, especially after drink ... a dissembler of ill parts which reign in him, a bragger of some good that he wanteth ... passionately kind and angry ... oppressed with fantasy which hath ever mastered his reason."