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And he turned and carried the small gray cat away. The new kitten did not stay down-stairs. Pete tried, it is true, to keep his promise to watch it; but after he had seen the little animal carried surreptitiously up-stairs in Mr. William's arms, he relaxed his vigilance. Some days later the kitten appeared with a huge pink bow behind its ears, somewhat awkwardly tied, if it must be confessed.

I obeyed, and three other men came with me, for the canoe was large. One of these, a very grave man with a gentle face and manner whom I took to be the chief of the party, sat down opposite to me, the other two placing themselves in the bow and stern of the boat which they drove along by means of paddles.

As silently M. Cartel received them and, lifting the violin, tucked it under his chin and raised the bow. There is no need to detail the magic that followed upon that simple action.

As we drove through the streets troops of pilgrims, pitiable to behold, foot-sore and weary, were met coming from the Punjab a thousand miles away, simply to bow down before the local idols and to dip their bodies in the holy river.

They seem to have been made of a single piece of wood, which in the angular bow was nearly of the same thickness throughout, but in the curved one tapered gradually towards the two extremities. The mode of stringing was one still frequently practised in the East. The bend of the bow, thus strung, was slight. The Assyrian angular bow was of smaller size than the curved one.

He suddenly caught her, held her to him as though he would kill her and kissed her furiously, on her eyes, her mouth, her hair. With his violence he pushed back her head-dress. I could see his back bent like a bow, and his thick short legs wide apart, every muscle taut.

"Credit, my dear sir, credit is the first letter in the alphabet of contemporary finance. Send some man to the capital some man " He hesitated here, thinking "It was Irene!" Then he finished: "Some man with proper authority and weight best of all that person of whom we have been speaking. Such is my advice." After the last bow of the guest they closed the door of the anteroom.

I said this, stretched at length on the slope of the lawn above the river; and as the hope arose within me, the sun came forth from a light fleecy cloud that swept across his face; and hill and dale, and the great river winding on through the still mysterious forest, flashed back his rays as with a silent shout of joy; all nature lived and glowed; the very earth grew warm beneath me; a magnificent dragon-fly went past me like an arrow from a bow, and a whole concert of birds burst into choral song.

A considerable number of lookers-on had by this time gathered round the clear space, and just as she was carelessly raising her bow she caught sight of Mrs. Bellairs' grey cloak, and Mr. Percy's tall figure beside it. "The fop!" she said to herself.

The boat was in mid-stream now, and shaping her course round the bow of the first hulk beyond which the prow of the Margaret began to appear, for the wind was fresh, and she gathered way every moment. "Let down the ladder, and make ready ropes," shouted Peter. It was done, but not too soon, for next instant the boat was bumping on their side.