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"I don't know as that's much benefit when you're always making new ones." "Oh, don't you see, Marilla? There must be a limit to the mistakes one person can make, and when I get to the end of them, then I'll be through with them. That's a very comforting thought." "Well, you'd better go and give that cake to the pigs," said Marilla. "It isn't fit for any human to eat, not even Jerry Boute."

I walk'd up close to the table, and giving first such a look at the books as to make him conceive I knew what they were, I told him I had come without any one to present me, knowing I should meet with a friend in his apartment, who, I trusted, would do it for me: it is my countryman, the great Shakespeare, said I, pointing to his works et ayez la boute, mon cher ami, apostrophizing his spirit, added I, de me faire cet honneur-la.

But this and everything else, trifling or not, I think myself obliged to let you know, et enfin ne n'en laisser au boute de ma plume. But I am particularly desirous to inform you of what concerns Storer, because I am persuaded that you wish to serve him. Then it is more supineness, insensibility, and natural arrogance than any desire to use me worse than another.

This being upon a private quarrel, they did it in good earnest; and I felt one of the swords, and found it to be very little, if at all blunter on the edge, than the common swords are. Strange to see what a deal of money is flung to them both upon the stage between every boute.