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The compliment was sincere, and by no means made with the intention of softening Carter's heart, but it had that effect, and he beamed on Midget as he replied: "Ah, that's all right, me little lady. Ye just naturally can't help bouncin' about like a rubber ball. Ye have to work off yer animal spirits somehow, I s'pose.

"Thar, kid, thet'll stiffen up an' be sore fer a day or two, but it ain't nothin'. You'll soon be bouncin' clubs offen our heads." It was plain that Herky and the others, for that matter, except Buell thought more of me because I had wielded a club so vigorously. "Look at thet lump, kid," said Bud, bending his head. "Now, ain't thet a nice way to treat a feller? It made me plumb mad, it did."

"I d' 'low she will be opset," said Betty meaningly, "and it bain't only along of him bein' killed, poor feller, but you'd never think, Mrs. Haskell, how things have a-turned out. Ye mind that maid up to Bartlett's what he was a-courtin'?" "'E-es, to be sure I do. A great big bouncin' wench as ever I did see, wi' her red head an' all."

"It's such a perplexin' state o' things," pursued the Captain, "to be always bouncin' up an' down wi' hopes, an' fears, an' disappointments, like a mad barometer, not knowin' rightly what's what or who's who." "Uncommon perplexin'," assented Gillie.

"Sure you'll have Bouncin' Phelim to comfort you. But now that he has shut the door, what hem I'd take it as a piece o' civility if you'd open my eyes a little; I mane hem was it is this doin' him, or how? Are you hem do you undherstand me, Mrs. Doran?" "What is it you want to know, Phelim? I think everything is very plain." "Oh, the divil a plainer, I suppose.

"Sally, you insinivator, I'll hould a thousand guineas you'd never guess what brought me here to-day?" "Arrah, how could I, Phelim? To plan some thin' wid my fadher, maybe." "No, but to plan somethin' wid yourself, you coaxin' jewel you. Now tell me this Would you marry a certain gay, roguish, well-built young fellow, they call Bouncin' Phelim?"

Ranger, says she, 'four and me. 'But how're you going to wait on the table and sit with us? says I, very kindly, for I step mighty soft with those people. 'Oh, I don't mind bouncin' up and down, says she; 'I can chew as I walk round. When I explained, she up and left in a huff. 'I'm as good as you are, Mrs.

I was wonderin' whether I'd be too sick to answer the shipwreck call when it came, and I tried to figure out how I'd feel bouncin' around on them skyscraper waves draped in thin pajamas and a life belt, until I must have dropped off to sleep.

An' sit down. It's 'igh time you an' me 'ad a straight talk, an' I can't do wi' folk bouncin' about like an injia-rubber ball when I've got things to say to 'em."

"What do you mean?" demanded Sim. "Why, I mean Stingy Gabe. You've heard of Stingy Gabe, ain't you?" "I guess we've all heard somethin' about him," laughed Captain Sol; "but we're willin' to hear more. He was a reformer, wa'n't he?" "He sartin was! Ho! ho!" "For the land sakes, tell it, Bailey," demanded Mr. Gott impatiently. "Don't sit there bouncin' and gurglin' and gettin' purple in the face.