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'Hallo! says the Cap'n, 'an' where the devil might you come from? Eli heard it, poor fellow an' says he, as I lifted him, 'If you please, sir, from Botusfleming, three miles t'other side of Saltash. 'Then you've had a damn quick passage, answers Cap'n Crang, an' turns on his heel.

Jope's countenance. "No, most certainly not. . . . But, my good man, an embalmer! and at Botusfleming, of all places!" The sailor's face fell. He sighed patiently. "That's what they said at Saltash, more or less. I got a sister living there Sarah Treleaven her name is a widow-woman, and sells fish.

At the head of a diminutive creek of the Tamar River, a little above Saltash on the Cornish shore, stands the village of Botusfleming; and in early summer, when its cherry-orchards come into bloom, you will search far before finding a prettier. The years have dealt gently with Botusfleming.

Whereby the notion came to me that, as he'd come from Botusfieming those bein' his last words back to Botusfleming he should go, an' on that we cooked up a plan. Bill Adams being on duty in the sick-bay, there wasn' no difficulty in sewin' up a dummy in Eli's place; an' the dummy, sir, nex' day we dooly committed to the deep, Cap'n Crang hisself readin' the service.

"An' so big," she went on, "that the Rector can't afford to live in it. That's why 'tis to let. The rent's forty pound." "Can I see him?" "No, you can't; for he lives up to Lunnon an' hires Parson Spettigew of Botusfleming to do the work. But it's my father has the lettin' o' the Rectory if a tenant comes along. He keeps the keys." "Then I 'd like to talk with your father."

"It's this-a-way," he said, addressing the Parson. "Eli Tonkin his name is, or was; and, as he said, of this parish." "Tonkin?" queried the Parson. "There are no Tonkins surviving in Botusfleming parish. The last of them was a poor old widow I laid to rest the week after Christmas." "Belay there! . . . Dead, is she?" Mr. Jope's face exhibited the liveliest disappointment.