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This odious Yankee needs combing down; he ran over us so long at college that he is conceited in his own impudence," and Vincent exploded in shouts of laughter. "I fear you're not a botanist, Miss Rosa. It's 'Jack in the pulpit' that will spring from Northern blood, and they'll preach such truths that the very herbage will bring the lesson of liberty and toleration to you."

Indeed, how many a learned botanist, long perfectly familiar with its peculiarities of shape and structure, has been entirely content with this simple fact, nor cared to seek further for its interpretation! But "All may have the flower now, For all have got the seed." With Darwin as our guide and the insect as our key an open sesame the hidden treasure is revealed.

He is a well-read man, I should imagine, in his line; and that is pretty extensive, for he is a really scientific naturalist, something of a geologist, a good botanist, besides having a good acquaintance with ecclesiastical literature. There was the more time for recreation with the Pere's French books, and the serious work of translating St.

She was but twelve years of age, but then she was the child of a sunny clime; and I had often seen at that age, under the warm sky of Mexico, the wedded bride, the fond mother. Day after day we were together alone. The botanist was busy with his studies, and the silent mother occupied with the duties of her household. Love is not blind.

Of the many anecdotes related respecting it, we may quote an amusing one in connection with the celebrated botanist, Linnaeus: "When he was on one of his voyages, hearing his secretary highly extol the virtues of his divining-wand, he was willing to convince him of its insufficiency, and for that purpose concealed a purse of one hundred ducats under a ranunculus, which grew up by itself in a meadow, and bid the secretary find it if he could.

A century and a half elapsed, and the investigation of yeast was recommenced almost simultaneously by Cagniard de la Tour in France, and by Schwann and Kützing in Germany. The French observer was the first to publish his results; and the subject received at his hands and at those of his colleague, the botanist Turpin, full and satisfactory investigation.

"But if the first young germs of these three plants are placed before him," says Drummond, and the botanist is called upon to define the difference, "he finds it impossible. He cannot even say which is which. Examined under the highest powers of the microscope, they yield no clue. Analyzed by the chemist, with all the appliances of his laboratory, they keep their secret.

A Geographer may tell of the location on the globe, of the natural land formations of mountains, canons, prairies, rivers, etc., and of the climate resulting from these. He should illustrate his remarks. A Geologist may assist, and show specimens of minerals and fossils, or pictures of these. A Botanist may tell us of native plants, useful or ornamental, and show pictures of these if possible.

They were keen business men, but they knew that their usual methods would not serve them with this shabbily-dressed, self-possessed botanist. "Well," he said at length, "your suggestion rather appeals to me, but there's the difficulty that another matter claims my attention.

Suddenly the foremost one, a lovely and animated girl whose beauty baffled description, espied a gentleman busily engaged in admiring some choice specimens of flowers which were being carefully cultivated by a skilful gardener. Bounding away with the elasticity of a fawn, her graceful form was seen to advantage as she stood beside the high-bred and distinguished botanist.