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GILBERT. Yes: and as art springs from personality, so it is only to personality that it can be revealed, and from the meeting of the two comes right interpretative criticism. ERNEST. The critic, then, considered as the interpreter, will give no less than he receives, and lend as much as he borrows? GILBERT. He will be always showing us the work of art in some new relation to our age.

'You'd holler fur your milk bottle before he goes a eighth with you. "'Aw, you go to hell! says Micky. "I borrows a curb 'n' chain from Eddy Murphy he's been usin' it on ole Dandelion. It's fierce you can bust a hoss's jaw with it. I puts it on Hamilton next work-out. "'I guess that'll hold little Hammy, I says, when Snowball's up. But it don't.

There will probably still be many hung juries because some dressmaker borrows a pair of knitting needles from one of the jurors, knits most of the time, and lets the others argue, as she is sure of her own opinion. The naïve epigram of this model juror, “I didn't try to change anybody else's opinion; I just kept my own,” illuminates the whole situation.

And Lord Bacon quotes this story too, as he does many others, which this author has first selected, and for the same purpose; for, not content with appropriating his philosophy, and pretending to invent his design and his method, he borrows all his most significant stories from him, and brings them in to illustrate the same points, and the points are borrowed also: he makes use, indeed, of his common-place book throughout in the most shameless and unconscionable manner.

There is a hardworking, sober man, my little fathers, who never beats his wife, and never drinks, and never borrows money. A useful neighbor! What is the matter with you, Tula? You have been too sparing with the vodka, no doubt. I must order you a glass every hour." There was a little laugh. But Paul, who knew these people, was quite alive to the difference of feeling toward himself.

When one borrows a rowboat at Plum Island Light without asking permission government property, too and leaves it moored to a dock on the Greenport waterfront; when one arrives in Greenport clothed in shirt and trousers only, and has to bribe its pardonably suspicious inhabitants with handfuls of British gold which they are the more loath to accept in view of its present depreciation in order to secure a slopchest coat and shoes and transportation by railway to New York; when a taxicab chauffeur refuses a sovereign for his fare from the Pennsylvania Station to this hotel, and one is constrained to borrow from the management why, I should say the trail was fairly broad and well blazed, mes amis."

"And," he went on as if she had not spoken, "Van Kuyp is your typical countryman. He has studied in Germany. He has muddled his brain with the music of a dozen different nations; if he had had any individuality it would have been submerged. His memory has killed his imagination. He borrows his inspiration from the poets, from Liszt, Wagner, Berlioz, Richard Strauss.

Whoever has a credit of this kind with one of those companies, and borrows a thousand pounds upon it, for example, may repay this sum piece-meal, by twenty and thirty pounds at a time, the company discounting a proportionable part of the interest of the great sum, from the day on which each of those small sums is paid in, till the whole be in this manner repaid.

Thus the sentimental poet understands his interests badly when he goes along the trail of the simple poet, and borrows his objects from him objects which by themselves are perfectly indifferent, and which only become poetical by the way in which they are treated.

Two Iroquoits came to us with weapons, who signifies there is nothing layd against you, & commanded their compagnions to put by their armes, that they weare our brethren. The agreement was made. Some went to the feast, some stayed. Having eaten, the ffather calls them againe to councell, & for that purpose borrows some porcelaine from the captayne to make 3 guifts.