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I can't take time again to tell you fellows how to raise tobacco. Good day." THE old man had stuck his cob pipe in a pocket and filled his mouth with a chew of tobacco. He walked by Percy's buggy with the tobacco juice drizzling from the corners of his mouth, and turned down the road toward the house. Percy finished boring the hole and then returned to the buggy.

'Well, shall I proceed to number three? asked Rudin. 'Please do. 'Very well. The third and last. I have only now got clear of number three. But am I not boring you, Mihail? 'Go on, go on. 'Well, began Rudin, 'once the idea occurred to me at some leisure moment I always had plenty of leisure moments the idea occurred to me; I have knowledge enough, my intentions are good.

But I feel for Agnès, only in a different way. It is a stuffy, boring place. You remember the house enormous, tidy, hideous, uncomfortable. Well, we had such a dinner last night after I arrived soup, fish, everything popped on to the table for Great-uncle John to carve at one end, and Great-aunt Maria at the other!

Coal is found by boring, with an iron rod, one piece screwed on above another, with a place in the end to bring up the different sorts of earth it passes through. This shaft was more than a thousand feet deep; some are still deeper.

To his working corps Agassiz had added the foreman of M. Kahli, an engineer at Bienne, to whom he had confided his plans for the summer, and who furnished him with a skilled workman to direct the boring operations, assist in measurements, etc.

"That is rather striking, Miss Melville; but I did not expect such an admission from such a quarter. I see you are not strong-minded My aunt, Mrs. Rutherford, and her daughters, have rather been boring me with their theory of the equality of the sexes: this is a first-rate argument. Will you take it very much amiss if I borrow your idea, or rather your sister's, without acknowledgement?

He went through the wood, stumbling and feeling his way to the Mill. Birkin was away. Good he was half glad. He turned up the hill, and stumbled blindly over the wild slopes, having lost the path in the complete darkness. It was boring. Where was he going? No matter. He stumbled on till he came to a path again. Then he went on through another wood. His mind became dark, he went on automatically.

The long list of figures that had been so boring during the tedious hours that she had spent with the lawyer, grudging every second of the glorious September morning that she had had to waste in the library when she was longing to be out of doors, had conveyed nothing to her beyond the fact that in future when she wanted anything she would be put to the trouble of writing out an absurd piece of paper herself, instead of leaving the matter in Aubrey's hands, as she had done hitherto.

Two weeks after this, while talking in a company, I looked up and detected this same man boring through and through me with his intense eye, and noted again his twitching muscles and his feverish anxiety to speak. The moment I paused, he said: "Beg your pardon, sir, beg your pardon, but it can only be considered remarkable when brought into strong outline by isolation.

"I certainly do not wish him to be more demonstrative, mother dear; love-making is the most boring process imaginable; but still, I should prefer, I must confess, that there was no under-current of feeling for wife number one." "You amaze me, Ethel, by suggesting such a horrible idea.