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The Boo-habeeba. A Domestic Picture. The Bey's Diversions. The Bastinado. Concealed Treasure. Nefta. The Two Saints. Departure of Santa Maria. Snake-charmers. Wedyen. Deer Stalking. Splendid view of the Sahara. Revolting Acts. Qhortabah. Ghafsa. Byrlafee. Mortality among the Camels Aqueduct. Remains of Udina. Arrival at Tunis. The Boab's Wives. Curiosities. Tribute Collected.

He adds: "It is all over of a lark-colour, excepting the breast, which is somewhat lighter, and shineth like that of a pigeon. The boo-habeeba has a note infinitely preferable to that of the canary, or nightingale." He says that all attempts to preserve them alive out of the districts of the Jereed have failed. R. has brought several home from that country, which were alive whilst I was in Tunis.

There are little birds that frequent the houses, that might be called Jereed sparrows, and which the Arabs name boo-habeeba, or "friend of my father;" but their dress and language are very different, having reddish breasts, being of a small size, and singing prettily. Shaw mentions them under the name of the Capsa-sparrow, but he is quite wrong in making them as large as the common house-sparrow.

Near us were put up about a dozen blue cranes, the only birds seen to-day. A gazelle was caught, and others chased. We particularly observed huge patches of ground covered with salt, which, at a distance, appeared just like water. Toser. The Bey's Palace. Blue Doves. The town described. Industry of the People. Sheikh Tahid imprisoned and punished. Leghorn. The Boo-habeeba. A Domestic Picture.