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I say, them nusses at the hospital must 'ave stole all your flesh an' blood from you, for they've left nothin' but the bones and skin." He went up to his sister, put an arm round her neck, and kissed her. This was a very unusual display of affection.

For Davie went about all next day with a heavy weight upon him, and a dull aching at his bones, as new as it was painful. He refused his dinner, and grew sick at the sight of his supper; and tossed, and turned, and muttered all night upon his bed, longing for the day.

Parting with his wife and children, he described as 'the pulling the flesh from the bones. I saw I was as a man who was pulling down his house upon the head of his wife and children; yet, thought I, I must do it. His feelings were peculiarly excited to his poor blind Mary.

"Get out of the way, can't you " "By your life and mine, Betsy " "Gord blesh you, mishter, a toisand year shall ye live." "Eat the best Motsos. Only fourpence " "The bones must go with, marm. I've cut it as lean as possible." Charoises! "Come and have a glass of Old Tom, along o' me, sonny." "Fine plaice! Here y'are! Hi! where's yer pluck! S'elp me " "Bob! Yontovdik! Yontovdik! Only a bob!"

Thus he sat for nearly an hour with an uncomfortable sensation that danger of some sort lurked near him, until he almost fell asleep. Then, rousing himself he proceeded to breakfast on the bones and scraps of the previous night's supper.

As the two nations are of the same race, as there is no remarkable difference in their bones, and this is peculiar to the sex, it must be attributed, as I believe, to the habit above mentioned, which, by the extension of the arms, has gradually produced an elongation of this bone. Thus we see that habit may be employed to alter and improve the solid bones.

He cut off pieces of flesh with the skin to it, but without any bones, sufficient for our expedition. We then rode on to our sleeping-place, and had for supper "carne con cuero," or meat roasted with the skin on it. This is as superior to common beef as venison is to mutton.

"There will he not lie long!" shouted Mindon, breaking from the palace to the group where all were silent now. "For the worms will eat him and the dogs pick clean his bones, and he will show his horns at his lords no more. If you loved him, White-liver, you should have taught him better manners to his betters."

But none of the boys felt like risking their bones even to cure Sable, so the panting animal was led to the stable and for the rest of the day allowed to think over his bad conduct. But that was not the last of the runaway, for in the evening just after supper old Mr. Trimble paid a visit to Tom's father. "I came over to tell you what a scallywag of a boy you've got," began the cross old man.

That they were in the constant practice of this singular habit was attested, by the numerous bones and horns of large antelopes of different kinds, that lay strewed around the place. Von Bloom had his eye upon the young puppies, and all three made a rush towards them. But it was to no purpose.