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"No one can say 'Tooral-looral " muttered Fritz; and, grasping Spitz in despair, they both rolled under the table. How long we lay there, Heaven knows! I was awakened by Spitz playing the garden hose on me. He was booted and spurred, with Fritz by his side. The King was lying on a bench, saying feebly: "Blesh you, my chillen."

"Get out of the way, can't you " "By your life and mine, Betsy " "Gord blesh you, mishter, a toisand year shall ye live." "Eat the best Motsos. Only fourpence " "The bones must go with, marm. I've cut it as lean as possible." Charoises! "Come and have a glass of Old Tom, along o' me, sonny." "Fine plaice! Here y'are! Hi! where's yer pluck! S'elp me " "Bob! Yontovdik! Yontovdik! Only a bob!"

"Sulky young pig," commented Mr. Ellison, staring blearily after him. A thought appeared to strike him. "Blesh me, you're the new son-'law!" "Yes, sir: Miss Hetty has just honoured me with her consent." "Consent? I'll lay she had to! Sukey tha's my wife told me you were in the wind. I said the old man's wrong all right, patching it up Shtill " He paused and corrected himself painfully.

Abednego, who was in the room, with one or two gentlemen of his own persuasion, and several foreign noblemen, dirty, snuffy, and hairy, as them foreigners are. "Is dish Misther Coxsh? blesh my hart, it is a honor to see you; I have heard so much of your play." "Come, come," says I, "sir" for I'm pretty wide awake "none of your gammon; you're not going to book ME."

"Mishtaken, my friend! I gave mos' admi'ble slipper in the worl', just ash you said, just as baroness said, to Mish Elisabeth Churchill mos' admi'ble woman in the worl'! Proud congrash'late you both, m' friend!" "Did you see her?" I gasped. "Did you see her father any of her family?" "God blesh me, no!" rejoined this young statesman. "Feelings delicacy prevented.

"Drink her health, old man, and no heel taps." Mr. Royston rose nobly to the occasion and swallowed the contents of his glass at a single gulp. "Blesh 'em!" he said. "Blesh 'em." He seized the arm of his chair while the room spun round him in a dizzy whirl. "Blast you, Petersh," he cried. "Thash pre-war whiskey. Sh-shot me clean through the brain pan. C-caught in the brewersh web."

"Well, ma'am?" "Don't you remember me, Liza?" "Lawd, yus, miss!" and the door was opened immediately; "but I was afeard you was one o' them reportin' people, and my orders is not to answer no questions." "Has he been here, then?" "Blesh ye, no, miss! He's on 'is way to the Continents. But 'is friend 'as, and he's settled everything 'andsome I will say that for the gentleman."

It was nine o'clock by this time, and he was in the Whitechapel road, going along with a motley troop of Jews, Polish Jews, Germans, German Jews, and all the many tribes of Cockneydom. Two costers behind him were talking and laughing. "Lor' blesh you, it's jest abart enneff to myke a corpse laugh." "Ain't it? An acquyntince uv mine d'ye know Jow 'Awkins?

Toddie sighed as he drew his stick of candy from his lips; then he shut his eyes and remarked: "Dee Lord, blesh Toddie, an' make him good boy, an' blesh zem ladies zat told me to say it aden;" the particular "it" referred to being well understood by at least three adults of my acquaintances. The course of Budge's interview with Mrs.

"The Lord blesh ye, my dear," she would say; "that's 'Mary's flower';" or, "Sure it's the 'Blessed Virgin's spinning-wheel, and a pretty name too!" A bitter-smelling herb which she commended to me as "Saints' Savory," I afterwards learned to be tansy.