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I have kept for your inspection the score card of the race, and the betting tickets. You will find everything in order." "Sir," said Winnifred, as Mr. Bonehead proceeded to fold up his papers, "I am but a poor inadequate girl, a mere child in business, but tell me, I pray, what is left to me of the money that you have managed?" "Nothing," said the Lawyer. "Everything is gone.

"You you bonehead!" she cried, exasperated, and hustled him outside. Careless of them, Casey held Clyde, looking down into her eyes. "Sweetheart," he said, "you never told me!" "I was afraid." "Of raising false hopes?" "Not that, so much. But you wouldn't let me help you with money. And I was afraid that if you knew, you'd consider yourself under an obligation and wouldn't wouldn't "

And, as Miss Merle Merryweather said: the bonehead audiences, tickled to death, applauded Duckworth's Trained Cats and Rats as an educational act! A big chimpanzee that covered one of the circuits with Michael had an antipathy for clothes.

"Surely you were there that day in bonehead English when they distinguished between 'definition' and 'explanation. You are familiar with the English language, aren't you? The young man has asked for an explanation." "Well, as Frabonarde says, 'The whole is known by its parts." "The doctrine of those who pull the wings from fruit flies."

"She was a terror," continued Margaret. "But Dal, you never had any reason to draw such a horrible picture of her. You were her pet." "I wasn't," declared Dorothy. "Maybe you never knew Miss Hill adored you, Dal," interposed Elinor. "She was always holding you up as a paragon. Not in your lessons for you were a bonehead but for deportment you were the class!"

"You never saw her, but she's a very nice girl. You'll love her when you meet her." Jim's father sputtered as he pulled himself out of his chair: "Wha-what's this? You you damned young cub! You why what who oh, you jackass! You big, lumbering, brainless, heartless bonehead! Oh whew! Look at your poor mother!" Jim was frightened.

Bonehead, shaking his head, "you will not do much with that." Then he rang the bell again. "Atkinson," he said, "take Miss Clair out and throw her on the world." As Winnifred Clair passed down the stairway leading from the Lawyer's office, a figure appeared before her in the corridor, blocking the way.

The gentle populace of that time took a huge liking to the game and the idea spread like wildfire. You see, it didn't cost much to run a football team in those days. Whenever they ran short of material, they could go out and kill a Dane, and there were always plenty swarming about." "Those good old days of yore," quoted Dick. "Plenty of bonehead plays in those days as well as now," murmured Tom.

Now in England, largely owing to the accident of a rivalry and therefore a comparison with France, there arose about the end of the eighteenth century an extraordinary notion that there was some sort of connection between dullness and success. What the Americans call a bonehead became what the English call a hard-headed man.

Who gave the tip?" "Conklin himself." "What? Has he been in town?" "Right. Came in roaring drunk." "Why'd they let him get away again?" "Because the sheriff's a bonehead and because our marshal is solid ivory. That's why." "What happened?"