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I got into the Second's boiler-suit and followed him down. We had to work all night. The Third was down there all the time under the boilers. He was an old chap; must have been sixty, with a moustache that was dirty brown at the tips and grey at the roots, and a crease down each of his cheeks that was always twitching while he chewed.

"He took me along the alleyway and unlocked a door. 'There, says he, 'there's your room. Ye share wi' the Third. It was a smelly little hole, and so dark I could scarcely make out the bunks. "'I haven't a boiler-suit with me, I said, and he looked at me. He was a younger man than I was, and I felt it would be strange to have to take orders from him.

He wore a blue dungaree boiler-suit, which is a combination affair, you know, and on his head he had an old, greasy, red fez. It seemed to me a preposterous piece of fancy dress up a creek on the Niger River. But I found later, to my astonishment, that Moslems were common enough there; that they had soaked through from the Mediterranean littoral and the head-waters of the Nile generations ago.

"Well, he came up, that Second did, not very pleased at being disturbed. 'What is it? he says. He was grease from head to foot, as though some one had been rolling him in a sewer. "'I'm the Fourth Engineer, I said. 'Oh, are ye, says he, 'I thought ye were comin' this mornin'. Better get a boiler-suit on and give a hand. We're goin' to sea to-morrow noon.