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For she gave me a look but now which boded ill for me or for any other maid or matron who dares lay finger on a single thrum of your rifle-shirt." "You are wrong," said I. "She cares nothing for me in that manner." "What? How do you know, you astounding boy?" "I know it well enough." Lana shot a swift and curious look straight across the room at Lois, who now did not seem to be aware of her.

Although the motive of this strange intrusion was entirely unknown to him, Herrera at once inferred that it boded good rather than evil. He was not long left in doubt. The esquilador pointed to Herrera's wounded arm, the sleeve of which was still cut open, although the wound was healed, and the limb had regained its strength. "Have you full use of that?" said he. "I have," replied Herrera.

Frances Sutherland took to examining remote objects on the horizon. Hers was a nature not to be beaten. "Let us ride faster," she suddenly proposed with a glance that boded roguery for the priest's portly form. She was off like a shaft from a bow-string, causing a stampede of our horses. That was effective. A hard gallop against a stiff prairie wind will stop a stout man's eloquence.

All this was gravely and quietly spoken, but there was a laughing demon in his half-averted eye that boded no good, I imagined. However, I thought of my asylum inshire, and made no further objections. When Miss Myers arrived, I was not prepared to give her a very cordial reception.

Toni, roused from her reverie, turned round to face him. "What's the matter, Owen?" "Matter enough, I think." His face wore a frown which boded ill for someone. "Toni, what have you been saying to Miss Loder to make her write this letter?" "Saying to Miss Loder?" Every scrap of colour faded from her face, and Owen, watching, took her pallor for the ashy hue of guilt. "Yes.

It was here that the Penniman group coalesced with the Whipple group, a circumstance that the trailing Wilbur noted with alarm. The families did not commonly affiliate, and the circumstance boded ominously. It could surely not be without purpose. The Wilbur twin's alarm was that the Whipple family had regretted its prodigality of the day before and was about to demand its money back.

"I hope so," he said disinterestedly. Lafe always disciplined himself after a siege with his temper. "He won't be alone till I get through with 'im," grunted Maudlin, with an ugly expression. "I been tellin' 'im I'm goin' to marry Jinnie." Lafe straightened with a throat sound that boded no good for the speaker, and Theodore got swiftly to his feet.

I knew that this boded badly for order, and I warned Koltchak's young aide-de-camp. Shortly after it was reported to me that an attempt had been made to exchange a sham guard for the real one at the Supreme Governor's residence. That night I held our direct wire from Colonel Johnson to my ear till 12.30 A.M., and found that it was tapped by Russian Headquarters.

You have heard, I suppose, that your schooner has been purchased into the service?" "Yes, sir, I have," said I, all alert in a moment, for I hoped that this abrupt reference to the transaction boded good for me. "And I was exceedingly glad to hear it," I went on, "for she is a very smart, handy little vessel, and may be made exceedingly useful in many ways."

At every interval between dances she was besieged by gayly clad officers, civilians in white the flower of her own people and of the American colony as well all eager to claim her attention or to share in her shy, slow smile. Now and then her eyes strayed to Kirk with a look that made his blood move quicker. It boded well for the success of his plans, and filled him with a fierce, hot gladness.