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We had not gone a dozen boat-lengths when up out of the blue depths lunged a lazy swordfish and attached himself to R. C.'s hook. He sort of half lolled out in lazy splashes four or five times. He looked huge. All of a sudden he started off, making the reel hum. That run developed swiftly. Dan backed the boat full speed. In vain! It was too late to turn.

He was with some New York friends, in a gondola three or four boat-lengths away, and so absorbed was he in the little drama, that, when a remark was addressed to him that called for a retort, his gift of repartee quite failed him.

When half the distance to the Sister Rocks was covered St. John was four boat-lengths ahead. "Ha! what did I tell you!" he cried. "I will beat you, and beat you badly, too!" "'He laughs best who laughs last," quoted Jack. "Marion, sit a little more to the left, please. There, that's it now we'll go along straighter." "I wish I could help row," she said. "But that wouldn't be fair.

The very violence of the tide had actually saved them, creating as it did a strong eddy, which with the little aid from the oars, bore them now steadily toward the land. Nearer and nearer they came. They were half a mile inside the head. Only a few boat-lengths now separated them from the beach. Would they be able to get ashore!

He passed me like a flash, his face glowering like a fiend's, and he reached the shingle just as the dinghy had got two boat-lengths away. The passengers were encouraging the two sailors at the oars to every exertion; but Taltavull pulled up as his mule's feet splashed in the water, and whipping out a blue revolver covered the two rowers and sharply bade them stop.

Aboo Din came to me as I was arranging my mosquito curtains for the night. He was casting quick, timid glances over his shoulder as he talked. "Tuan, I no like this place. Too close bank. Ten boat-lengths down stream better. Baboo swear by Allah he see faces behind trees, once, twice. Baboo good eyes."

When they had gone about a couple of boat-lengths from the beach, one of the men rose up with a musket, and Orlando distinctly heard him say "Shall I send a bullet into him?" "If you do, the captain will skin you alive," was the reply from one of the other men. The alternative did not seem agreeable to the first speaker, for he laid down his musket, and resumed his oar.

Our hero did keep up, and when he reached the first of the Sister Rocks he was more than two boat-lengths ahead. He knew the rocks well, and glided around them skillfully, with just enough water between the rocks and the boat to make the turning a safe one. "Now for the home stretch!" he murmured, and began to pull as never before. He felt certain he could defeat St.

They were nearing the end of Long Point. Throttling the throbbing motor until its soft breathing could be heard only a few boat-lengths, she nodded to the fisherman: "All right, Tom. She's yours. Plenty of water from here on. When you round 'bull-nose' head for the cove with all you've got." Relieved from the wheel she dodged into the engine-room and returned with two rifles.

He lay as if glued to his rock, watching the stranger hold her course up the inlet and come head to wind within a dozen boat-lengths of the shore. One of the first things a backwoods boy learns is that it pays to mind your own business, after you know what the other fellow is going to do. Jeremy had been threshing his brain for a solution to the scene he had just witnessed.