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However, I was not able to ride any more that summer. All that I was able to do was to sit in camp, hear the reports of scouts as they came in and give orders. It had been six weeks since I was hurt, and it was getting late in the fall and the weather looking somewhat blustery, I told the Colonel I thought I would go back to San Francisco and winter there.

At quarter to seven one blustery evening of the April following their fourth anniversary Honora returned from New York to find her husband seated under the tall lamp in the room he somewhat facetiously called his "den," scanning the financial page of his newspaper. He was in his dressing gown, his slippered feet extended towards the hearth, smoking a cigarette.

It was a hot though a blustery afternoon, and the sea, in sight through the open door, sounded the deeper notes of its endless opera. "Hank." "I'm here, my boy." "Have you thought about what I told you to do?" "Are you still clinging to that notion?" "No; it is clinging to me. Have you thought about it?" "Yes." "And what did you think?"

It was in April early April when the days were raw and cloudy, and the nights blustery and dreary that Barclay sat in his office one night after a hard day afield, his top-boots spattered with mud, his corduroy coat spread out on a chair to dry, and his wet gray soft hat on his desk beside him.

Worthington estimated his fortune at fifteen millions, growing at the rate of a million yearly, and was not preposterously far afield. It was all that Dr. Surtaine needed. He enjoyed his high satisfaction as a hard-earned increment. Something more than satisfaction beamed from his face this blustery March noon as he awaited the Worthington train at a small station an hour up the line.

Others may claim the distinction, but they are impostors, sir, rank impostors. I was the bus. What! You don't mean to say that you have never heard it?" Humbly I acknowledged my ignorance, and listened to a tale that, I was assured, had once been told in every club corner and over every dinner table on the Avenue. "It was nine o'clock of a blustery March night.

His heirs ignored and hated by him for their affiliation with the Bourbons sold it to the father of the admiral. The manor wasn't haunted. The hard-headed longshoremen and sailors who lived at the foot of the hill were a practical people, to whom spirits were something mostly and generally put up in bottles, and emptied on sunless, blustery days.

Lost his indispensable garnitures, at the Ford of Secchia once; and now, in these last twelve months, is considered to have done a series of blustery explosions, derogatory to the glory of France, and ruinous to that sublime Belleisle Enterprise for oue thing. A ruined Enterprise that, at any rate; seldom was Enterprise better ruined.

But he went into Papistry, not long after; and made other sudden turns and misventures: to all appearance, rather an abrupt, blustery, uncertain Herr. Duke Wilhelm answered Yea; "sent a Counter-Embassy," with whatever else was necessary; and in due time the young Bride, with her Father, set out towards Preussen, such being the arrangement, there to complete the matter.

But now, when the wild geese and Smirre came to the river, it was cold and blustery spring-winter; all the trees were nude, and there was probably no one who thought the least little bit about whether the shore was ugly or pretty. The wild geese thanked their good fortune that they had found a sand-strip large enough for them to stand upon, on a steep mountain wall.