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Miss Martha leaned weakly against the shelves and laid one hand on her blue-dotted silk waist. The young man took the other by the collar. "Come on," he said, "you've said enough." He dragged the angry one out at the door to the sidewalk, and then came back. "Guess you ought to be told, ma'am," he said, "what the row is about. That's Blumberger. He's an architectural draftsman.

I lowered a whole basketful of pies to them. Carmena is getting ready to give him a big talking to. She she won't let them get us." "That's good news," rallied Lennon. For the first time he was able to look away from his food long enough to notice that Elsie was wearing a fresh pretty frock of blue-dotted calico. He smiled at her amusedly.

She thought he began to look thinner and discouraged. Her heart ached to add something good to eat to his meagre purchase, but her courage failed at the act. She did not dare affront him. She knew the pride of artists. Miss Martha took to wearing her blue-dotted silk waist behind the counter. In the back room she cooked a mysterious compound of quince seeds and borax.

She was only a simple child, after all, losing sight of all the whole world, as her thoughts dwelt on the handsome young fellow, her husband in name only, whom she saw waiting for her at the trysting-place, looking so cool, so handsome and lovable in his white linen suit and blue tie; his white straw hat, with the blue-dotted band around it, lying on the green grass beside him, and the sunshine drifting through the green leaves on his smiling face and brown, curling hair.

She was arrayed in a blue-dotted, white flannel dress, with a soft roll collar and cuffs, and the costume was completed by white stockings and shoes. Her corn-colored ringlets hung gaily about her face. Blue eyes, rosy lips, rosy cheeks completed the picture. Lester stared, almost inclined to say something, but restrained himself. Vesta shyly retreated.

"Blumberger's been buying the bread here. Well, to-day well, you know, ma'am, that butter isn't well, Blumberger's plan isn't good for anything now except to cut up into railroad sandwiches." Miss Martha went into the back room. She took off the blue-dotted silk waist and put on the old brown serge she used to wear.