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Quarles, who evinced more affection for her nephew than any thought him worthy of exciting she wrung her hands, wept, offered rewards, bustled about every where, and kept calling blubberingly for "Simon poor dear Simon." At length, that fearful hue and cry began to subside the hubbub came to be quieter: neighbour-folks went home, and inmates went to bed.

Quarles, who evinced more affection for her nephew than any thought him worthy of exciting she wrung her hands, wept, offered rewards, bustled about every where, and kept calling blubberingly for "Simon poor dear Simon." At length, that fearful hue and cry began to subside the hubbub came to be quieter: neighbour-folks went home, and inmates went to bed.

It was one of the simplest, yet one of the most effective and agonizing, holds in all jiujutsu. Thirty seconds of it, and Roke's bull-like endurance went to pieces under the strain. Raucously and blubberingly he screeched for mercy. The Jap continued happily to exert the cross-pull pressure.

The first attack occurred, when with a heart rather more tender than at the present writing, I was left amongst a parcel of strange inquisitive boys, at a boarding-school in the country, at what then appeared to my unsophisticated mind away "'tother side of yonder;" I shall never forget, although I may laugh at it now, the feeling of utter desolateness that came over me, or how low sank my little heart, even to the very soles of my stockings, when the Dominie, whose face was fast forgetting the smiles it had worn in my good parents' presence, inquired in a tone half hypocritical, half ironical: "What does the young gentleman want now?" and I blubberingly answered, "I want to go go home."