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Blossom was the third baseman, and he was confused by his awkwardness, expecting to get a call down. "Steady, Blos, old boy!" said Frank, gently. "You are all right. The best of us do those things occasionally. It is nothing at all." These words relieved Blossom's feelings and made him vow that he would not let another ball play chase around his feet.

Get yourself planted in God's garden, and learn to GROW. Woo the sun of life, which is love, and the breeze which is enthusiasm, an impulse from that same creative Spirit, which, brooding upon the primeval waters, out of void brought fulness, and out of chaos a world. "Hegel's centrum war ein blos denkendes, auf öder Heide spekulirendes, kleines, suffisantes, selbstgenügsames Ichlein."

Kennicott bending over a body which was humped under a sheet the surgeon, his bare arms daubed with blood, his hands, in pale-yellow rubber gloves, loosening the tourniquet, his face without emotion save when he threw up his head and clucked at the farmwife, "Hold that light steady just a second more noch blos esn wenig."

Merriwell hit it, and sent a "daisy cutter" down into right field, exactly where he wished to place it. Down on the coach line near first little Danny Griswold had convulsions. He whooped like a wild Indian. "Spring, ye snails! Tear up the dust, ye sons of Eli! Two make it two, Blos, old boy! Why, this game is easy now! We've just got started! Whoop! Whoopee!"