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When the organisms gain access directly to the blood-stream, as a rule they produce their effects more certainly and with greater intensity than when they are introduced into the tissues. Further, the virulence of an organism is modified by the condition of the patient into whose tissues it is introduced.

But the moment the mystery of pure individual newness ceased to be enacted and fulfilled, the blood-stream would dry up and be finished. Mankind would die out. Let us go back then to the solar plexus. There sparkle the included mother-germ and father-germ, giving us direct, immediate blood-bonds, family connection.

It is obviously a very serious thing if a poison-producing microbe gets into this blood-stream and multiplies within it, or if poison-producing microbes lodge somewhere beneath the skin in a wound, and keep on discharging virulent poison into the blood! The mischief is spread all over the body at once.

#Septicæmia.# This form of blood-poisoning is the result of the action of pyogenic bacteria, which not only produce their toxins at the primary seat of infection, but themselves enter the blood-stream and are carried to other parts, where they settle and produce further effects.

To this stage in the process the term atheroma is applied. The endothelium over these plates often disappears, leaving them exposed to the blood-stream. Changes of a similar kind sometimes occur in the middle coat, the lime salts being deposited among the muscle fibres in concentric rings.

"'With my thick hair, my Henry, I will stop the fountain red; Press back again the blood-stream, And heal thy wounded head. "She begged so soft, so dearly, I could no more say no; Writhing, I strove to raise me, And to the maiden go. "Then the wounds again burst open; And afresh the torrents break From head and heart life's torrents And lo! I am awake."

The gonococcus is carried to the joint in the blood-stream and is first deposited in the synovial membrane, in the tissues of which it can usually be found; it may be impossible to find it in the exudate within the joint. The joint lesions may be the only evidence of metastasis, or they may be part of a general infection involving the endocardium, pleura, and tendon sheaths.

Why not devote ourselves to life and love; to the building of a happy healthy human family a family that instinctively realises that the clean blood-stream of a nation is its most priceless possession? But the national blood-stream can never be clean until there is a complete knowledge of sexual control and sanitation among all of us, and especially among women.