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Without doubt there were chances that Madame Dammauville would not be able to leave her bed to go to court; but were there only one for her leaving it, he must foresee it and take precautions. A single one offered security: to render himself unrecognizable; to cut his beard and hair; to be no more the long-haired, curled, blond-bearded man that she remembered.

The plump young Frenchwoman within the glazed cash office near the door, at whom Marsden had several times glanced in a way at which Romarin had frowned, was aware of the honour done the restaurant; and several times the blond-bearded proprietor had advanced and inquired with concern whether the dinner and the service was to the liking of M'sieu.

He out-topped even Naab in height, and was a superb blond-bearded man, striding with the spring of a mountaineer. "Good-day to you, Naab," he said. "Is this the young fellow you picked up?" "Yes. Jack Hare," rejoined Naab. "Well, Hare, I'm Holderness. You'll recall my name. You were sent to Lund by men interested in my ranges. I expected to see you in Lund, but couldn't get over."

"Susan, hasn't that doctor " a new voice cut in, then stopped short. The doctor turned to see a pallid-faced, blond-bearded man with rumpled hair standing in the doorway. "Mr. Burton?" hazarded the doctor crisply. "Yes. And you-" "Dr. Stewart. And I'd like a little talk with you, please if you can talk sense. "This last was added under his breath; but Daniel Burton was not listening, in any case.

In the cities it is of course equally bad everywhere, and dreamers are as rare among the sleek, smart officers and loungers of the Toledo in Naples as among the portly, blond-bearded sons of the merchants and shopkeepers in the Kalverstraat at Amsterdam.

Returning from this short excursion, Simon beheld two figures coming up the Gulch; a blond-bearded man, and a little girl in blue. He hurried toward them in real trepidation. He could not bear to see the lamb actually in the company of the wolf. The three met on the edge of the clearing; Christie was the first to speak.

Dennison leaned his face so close that his blond-bearded cheek touched hers. She made a little impatient motion. "Oh, go long, Jim Dennison," she said, but her tone was half-hearted. Dennison persisted, bending her head gently backward until he kissed her. She pushed him away, but she smiled weakly. "You didn't want Ed Flynn. Why, he's a Roman Catholic, and you're Baptist, Nell," he said.

On the afternoon of the 16th the Potsdam Platz, only a few hundred steps from our house, was filled with shouting and listening throngs, crowded around the sculptor Streichenberg, his blond-bearded friend, and other violently gesticulating leaders. This multitude received constant reenforcements from the city and through Bellevuestrasse.

's cartridges. Some say the tall, blue-eyed, blond-bearded captain who leads that beautiful troop of bays is Mr. 's brother. Odd! yet how can the Indian Bureau know that Crazy Horse and Two Bears and Kicking Mule want to buy Mr. 's bullets to kill his brother with? How, indeed, should Mr. know?

Without doubt there were chances that Madame Dammauville would not be able to leave her bed to go to court; but were there only one for her leaving it, he must foresee it and take precautions. A single one offered security: to render himself unrecognizable; to cut his beard and hair; to be no more the long-haired, curled, blond-bearded man that she remembered.