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The element of comicality in this aspect of war is greatly outweighed by that of pathos. Those who earnestly pray to God to lead them to victory must at any rate be firmly convinced that their cause is one of which God can approve. No believer would dare to invoke the blessing of God upon a cause which his conscience tells him is a mean and sordid enterprise.

The Government allows us fifty-two dollars a year toward the expense of a child whose father is dead; nothing if the mother is dead, or if the father is alive but had better be dead. It would be wiser if each case could be judged on its merits by competent officials. But we believe it is a blessing to a community to have the opportunity of finding the balance.

All I can say is that I must look upon this marriage as a humiliation laid upon me by the Almighty still, I give it my sanction and blessing, and I will do freely and with my whole heart if my son's bride brings as her marriage-portion the one thing which is the first and last aim of all my desires: The everlasting glory of Apelles.

Though I am sensible of your greater experience, yet I am willing to say to a man of your piety and Christian candor, that any arguments which you should see cause to lay before me, on the above subject, shall, by the blessing of God, receive an early attention and a judicious discussion.

I knew all that I wanted to know of Marcia Van Wyck and of their curious relations. And unfortunate as my ambush had seemed, demeaning to my honor and painful to my conscience, I had begun to look upon my venture beneath that infernal rock as a kind of mixed blessing. At least I knew!

"Och, sure your reverence knows very well how to give it." "Shall I give it in Irish?" "Och, no, your reverence a blessing in Irish is no blessing at all." "In English?" "Och, murder, no, your reverence, God preserve us all from an English blessing!" "In Latin?" "Yes, sure, your reverence; in what else should you bless us but in holy Latin?" "Well then prepare yourselves."

So long, however, as by the operation of any causes whatever some real competence accrues to anyone, it is for the general interest that this competence should bear its natural fruits, diversifying the face of society and giving its possessor a corresponding distinction. Variety in the world is an unmixed blessing so long as each distinct function can be exercised without hindrance to any other.

Muckle John, like some old priest of Diana, flung up his arms to the heavens, and seemed to be invoking his strange gods. Or he may have been blessing his flock I know not which. Then he turned and strode back to his tent, just as he had done on that night in the Cauldstaneslap.... A hand was laid on my arm and Onotawah stood by me.

I have a mind to tell you the whole story as it came to me, and as I should have told it to the Prince Camillo, had he treated me with decent courtesy." Marc'antonio ceased blowing the fire and sitting back on his heels disposed himself to listen. Very briefly I told him of my journey to London, my visit to the Fleet, and how I received the crown with Theodore's blessing.

I was conscious only of being alone and nothing was closer to me at that moment than my solitude; all else had to vanish before this blessing. * LETTERS to GOETHE. May 25, 1807. * Ah, I can impart nothing else to thee than simply that which goes on in my heart! "Oh, if I could be with him now!"