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So the county will think of me, and quite justly. I would rather defend him than myself. He requires a different wife from anything I can be. That is my discovery; unhappily a late one. The blame is all mine. The world cannot be too hard on me. But I must be free if I am to be kind in my judgements even of the gentleman I have injured." "So noble a gentleman!" Laetitia sighed.

Jerry had met them just in the act of leaving for the gymnasium. "I'd go for my car but if would take longer to get it than for us to walk. We must make all haste. Now I have an idea of my own about this. I am not far off the truth when I say the Sans are to blame for the whole thing. I would rather think it was they than that the note had been written by some unknown person."

The operators for the most part lacked this constructive genius, the proof of which lay in the very fact that they were operators. To take advantage of their limitations, disrupt their natural and accustomed mode of life, and then throw the blame back upon them for not evolving a new and better environment, was neither reasonable nor right.

"'I'll never consent, said Rollo, selfishly, though I couldn't really blame him for it. "'Then make me an eagle, I said. 'Make me anything but what I am. "'Very well, said the Fairy. 'Good-night. "Next morning," continued the Poker, "when I waked up I was cold and stiff, and when I opened my eyes to look about me I found myself seated on a great ledge of rock on the side of a mountain.

It was clear to him that he must anticipate Killen's disclosure of his visit to The Brakes and so draw the sting from it as far as possible. But his natural reluctance to shoulder blame made him begin with Killen's defection. "I told you to let me deal with the little traitor," Rawson exploded. "He was quite satisfied when I left him yesterday. They must have got at him again," Jeff suggested.

He held in his hand the bunch of roses, which he gave to Beauty saying, "Take these roses, Beauty; but little do you think how dear they have cost your poor father;" and then he gave them an account of all that he had seen or heard in the palace of the beast. The two eldest sisters now began to shed tears, and to lay the blame upon Beauty, who, they said, would be the cause of her father's death.

I know you don't halfway listen to what I read any more, and I don't blame you, but this seems to have been written just on purpose for you." He took the book from her listlessly, and opened it because she wished it. Watching him from the doorway, she waited until she saw him glance up from the opening paragraph to the watch-fob lying on the stand at his elbow.

"What are you going to do?" "Red" was amused rather than alarmed. "Oh, I'll get a job somewhere. Punch cows or maybe join the rangers. There's always something a fellow can do." "An' what about your uncle?" "I'll put him up in Bisbee till I get a chance to ship him back to Bangor. He likes Bangor, you know!" Gilbert smiled. "He takes it sort o' hard, don't he?" "Well, you can't blame the old boy.

General Rostopschine, who was one of the authors of this plan, was entrusted with its execution, the blame for which he later laid on the French.

Nelly and I agreed that you were exactly like Zanoni; but she was hardly to blame; for she had never seen you." "Things like that make deep impressions on children," said Elinor, thoughtfully. "You were a Zanoni in my imagination for years before I saw you. When we first met you treated me insufferably.