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It was his noon hour and, in his shirt sleeves, he was leaning against the wall, a pipe in his mouth. He was tall and lean; not an ounce of superfluous flesh on his splendid frame, but a great deal of muscle that lay in long, faintly swelling contours against it. He was black haired and black-mustached; both hair and mustache were lightly touched with grey.

She found herself wishing now that she had taken her father into her confidence and had asked him to go with her. Making shopping her excuse she had come down-town with Mr. Strong but had gotten off at Astor Place, and waited over for another train. In her hand she held the card given to her by the black-mustached man the afternoon before.

"Who said it wuz a spook or any such pack uv nonsense?" glared back Summers. "I didn't," declared the black-mustached man with great positiveness. "No more did I," angrily sputtered Red Bill "thar ain't no such things nohow." "I dunno," said the black-mustached man seriously. "I do recollec' hearing my old grandmother, back East, tell about a ghost what she seen once. Want ter hear about it?"

Then another echoed it back. It seemed to be proceeding from a dozen quarters of the compass at once. Strong nerved as all three of the riders were, it appeared to make a strange impression on them. "What in the name of Kit Carson wuz that?" demanded Red Bill drawing rein. "Dunno. It sounded like someone havin' fun with that ther cheerful little song of yourn," said the black-mustached man.

The great journalist was a tall, strong, clever Irishman of fifty, swart and black-mustached, a man of untiring business energy, well known in the world, which he understood very thoroughly, and played upon with the half-cynical competence of his race. Yet was he without a touch of the charlatan: he made no mysteries, and no pretenses of knowledge, and he saw instantly through these in others.

He himself wore a long black robe and a beard, and looked, as Tish observed, for all the world as if he had stepped from an Egyptian painting. Before him stood Tufik's sister, the maid of honor with her baby, the black-mustached friend who had brought Tufik to us after his tragic attempt at suicide, and Tufik himself. Everybody held lighted candles, and the heat was frightful.

I had a hard job te pull the cayuse in." "Same hyar, same hyar," said the black-mustached man. "Rot!" laughed Bellew. "In my opinion, you're both a pair of cowards. Don't pull your gun on me, Summers. You wouldn't fire at me, and you know it." Summers sullenly put up his gun. "Say, what's ther matter with you, Buck?" he asked grumpily. "What's the matter with you two, you mean?

He was small, wiry, black-haired, black-eyed, black-mustached, with an olive complexion and even, pleasing, albeit at times wolfish, white teeth which indicated a disposition as avid and hungry as a disposition well might be. Mr. Summerfield had come up into his present state of affluence or comparative affluence from the direst poverty and by the directest route his personal efforts.

Damon, promptly. "What's that?" ejaculated the man. "You only think you are coming up here. But you are not. Bless my fortune telling cards!" ejaculated Mr. Damon, "I should say not." At this point the black-mustached man began to splutter words and threats so fast that nobody could quite understand him. Mr. Damon, however, did not shrink in the least. He stood adamant in the doorway of the cab.

No one is allowed there!" and looking from an upper window, Tom saw his father running toward a stranger, who was just stepping inside the shop where Mr. Swift was constructing his turbine motor. Tom started as he saw that the stranger was the same black-mustached man whom he had noticed in the post-office, and, later, in the restaurant at Mansburg.