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Row straight back to your ship, and let him know that I shall be there and shall expect to be received with admiral's honours." Bittern looked somewhat embarrassed. "But, captain," he said, "my men are on their way to the town, and I fear me they will rebel if I tell them they cannot now go there." In saying this the sailing-master spoke not only for his men, but for himself.

Far off the cry of a bittern boomed across the flats. "Well, at least we've got nine weeks," Norah said at length. "Nine weeks to be mates and Jim'll be home next week, and he'll be mates, too. Don't let's get blue about it, Daddy. It'll be so horrid when the time comes, that it's no good letting it spoil these nine weeks. Can't we try to forget it?" "We can try," said David Linton.

A sheitpoke, with flaring crest, went stalking across a bare space close to the creek's mouth. A stately brown bittern waded into the clear-flowing water, lifting his feet high at every step, and setting them down carefully, as if he dreaded wetting them, and with slightly parted beak, stood eagerly watching around him for worms.

Thither also, at all seasons, repaired the stately heron, to devour the finny race; and thither came, on like errand, the splendidly-plumed kingfisher. The magpie chattered, the jay screamed and flew deeper into the woods as the horsemen approached, and the shy bittern hid herself amid the rushes. Occasionally, too, was heard the deep ominous croaking of a raven.

"How do you feel now?" asked the Bittern, as the Kangaroo presently struggled up and squatted rather feebly on her haunches, looking about in a somewhat dazed way. "I'm better now," said the Kangaroo, "but, dear me! how everything seems to dance up and down!" She shut her eyes, for she felt giddy.

He looked around, to see darkness closing him in, not a star visible; but the fen all alive with the sounds, which seemed to increase, for a bittern was answering the one overhead, and another at a greater distance forming himself into a second echo. "I wonder how long it is since I lay down!" thought Dick. It might have been four hours it might have been six or eight.

"Not a whit," replied the other; "he doesn't know the backstays from the taffrail. It was only yesterday that he thought he was already in the port of Belize, and dressed himself up like a fighting-cock to meet you." "To meet me?" roared Blackbeard; "what does he want to meet me for, and why don't he come and do it instead of sending you?" "Not he," said Bittern.

The road which led thither was evidently but seldom trodden. It abounded in sunken ruts, wherein lurked the adder. It led by sullen pools, where the bittern boomed and the pike swam, his silver side glittering like a streak of light beneath the dark surface, as he sought his finny prey. Now it was marshy and muddy, now it was tangled with thorns, now impeded by fallen trees.

"This Blue Heron, you will find, has no sweeter voice than his night-flying cousin, and, like the latter, nests in colonies in the trees; but afterward he travels about alone, as the Bittern does." The Snowy Egret Length about two feet. Pure white all over, with a bunch of many long slender plumes growing between the shoulders, and shorter ones on the head and neck, in the nesting season.

If only her mother, Praskovya, had been with her, or Crutch, or the cook, or some peasant! "Boo-oo!" cried the bittern. "Boo-oo!" And suddenly she heard clearly the sound of human speech: "Put the horses in, Vavila!" By the wayside a camp fire was burning ahead of her: the flames had died down, there were only red embers. She could hear the horses munching.