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"That woman has married THREE MEN within the last two years. One in Ireland, and one at Bath. A Solomonson is, I believe, her husband, and they both are off for America ten days ago." "But why did you not keep your 2,000L.?" said the lawyer. "Sir, they attached it." "Oh, well, we may pass you. You have been unlucky, Mr. Stubbs, but it seems as if the biter had been bit in this affair."

This Algonkian rock is about the right stratum for centipedes to dig in. They dig somewhat after the manner of the fluviatile long-tailed decapod crustaceans, of the genera Thoracostraca, the common crawfish, you know. From that, of course, you can imagine, if a centipede can bite rock, what a biter he is." I began to grow weak, and did not wonder to see Jim's long pipe fall from his lips.

'In answer to your Letter, I must desire you to recollect yourself; and you will find, that when you did me the Honour to be so merry over my Paper, you laughed at the Idiot, the German Courtier, the Gaper, the Merry-Andrew, the Haberdasher, the Biter, the Butt, and not at Your humble Servant, The SPECTATOR. No. 53. Tuesday, May 1, 1711. Steele. ... Aliquando bonus dormitat Homerus. Hor.

There we were, one year out of Siwash, breaking forty-five reunion dates, and never even sitting around with our heads in our hands over it. This business bug is a bad, bad biter all right. Just let it get its tooth into you, and what do you care if some other fellow is smoking your two-quart pipe back in the old chapter house?

Jealousy of Heaven-knows-who is a wishy-washy passion. Supply a definite object, and it may become vitriolic. Polly Daverill, whoever she was, was definite, and might be the wife the convict had acknowledged or rather claimed when he first made Miss Julia's acquaintance, over twenty years ago. The lip was perhaps saved from bloodletting by an idea which crossed the mind of the biter.

If I were inventing it I could not invent anything better; but it is true." "Certes, you could not invent anything better! Nor anything half so good. If ever there was a case of the biter bit " he broke off, laughing. "Monsieur, you know not half how funny it was. Had you seen their faces the more Lucas swore he was not Comte de Mar, the more the officer was sure he was."

Instead, the biter was bitten. The Iroquois, when they came, numbered many hundreds, and they overwhelmed and, after a desperate resistance, destroyed the little band of Frenchmen, with their allies. The appalling evidences of this slaughter were terrible proof that the enemy were numerous in that neighborhood. Even Radisson and his brother were alarmed.

I took a walk through the country, attended by a few of my men, and upon several occasions I was challenged from a bush, or tump of high grass, showing that the men were all in position and well concealed. When the bugle recalled the sharpshooters in the evening, each had some adventure to recount, and the whole camp rejoiced in the success of the manoeuvre; it was a case of "the biter bit."

Night and day, year after year, I see them going by, watched by the red fox and the comfortably clad sable, and grinned at by the black cat, the innocent, the vicious, the timid and the savage, the shy and the bold, the chattering slanderer and the screaming prowler, the industrious and the peaceful, the tree-top critic and the crawling biter, just as it is elsewhere.

And to-day's period is especially interesting. We were just about getting to Thorwald the Bitter." "Did you say Biter or Batter?" says I. "I said Thorwald the Bitter," repeats Pettigrew. "One of the old Norse Vikings, you know." "Go on, shoot it," says I. "What's the joke?" "But there's no joke about it," he insists. "Surely you have heard of the Norse Vikings?"