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This day we had better travelling, the soil becoming a strong greyish loam; the forest land open and free from scrub, the trees principally consisting of iron-bark, box, and the leguminous tree, with bi-pinnate leaves, and dark fissured bark I have before alluded to. We saw here a great many pigeons of various kinds; Mr.

In proof of this view they exhibit, as we have described, the ancestral characters in the young plantlets, and this production of bi-pinnate leaves has probably been retained at the period of the corresponding negative mutations, because of some distinct, though still unknown use.

As an additional instance of dimorphism and probable double adaptation to unrecognized external conditions I might point to the genus Acacia. As we have seen in a previous lecture some of the numerous species of this genus bear bi-pinnate leaves, while others have only flattened leaf-stalks.

It is a species of acacia, belonging to the section Gummiferae, with bi-pinnate leaves, growing to a height of fifteen or twenty feet. The branches and trunk are covered with strong curved spines, set in pairs, from which it receives the name of the bull's-horn thorn, they having a very strong resemblance to the horns of that quadruped.

For these services the ants are not only securely housed by the plant, but are provided with a bountiful supply of food, and to secure their attendance at the right time and place, the food is so arranged and distributed as to effect that object with wonderful perfection. The leaves are bi-pinnate.

The execution of the movement was soon entered upon. Near the place where I had passed the last hours of the night, a side ravine which, in the darkness I had not observed sloped up out of the gorge. By canons and deep defiles the whole face of the country was cut up in this bi-pinnate fashion every pass of it being well-known to the Utahs.

By the creeks, when the ground was sandy, we saw Abrus precatorius, and a small tree about fifteen feet high, with bi-pinnate leaves, the leaflets very small, with long flat legumes containing ten or twelve black and red seeds, like those of Abrus precatorius, but rather larger. September 13 and 14.

The forest, through which we were slowly toiling, daily became more dense, and we were kept almost constantly at work with the axe; there was much more leafiness in the trees here than farther south. The leaves are chiefly of the pinnate and bi-pinnate forms, and are exceedingly beautiful when seen against the sky; a great variety of the papilionaceous family grow in this part of the country.

"Five petals of the corollary partly united? Why, it must be some relation to the Mexican rain-tree," she mumbled without enthusiasm. "Leaves alternate, bi-pinnate, very typically few foliate," she continued. "Why, it's a a Pithecolobium." "Sure enough," said Edgarton. "That's what I thought all the time."