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You can let me stand at the gate yonder?" "Well yes. But if you are the monk's friend, why do you want to see him die?" She made no reply, but took from a pocket a bezant, and contrived to throw its yellow gleam in the sentinel's eyes. "Is the gate locked?" "No, it is barred on this side." "Does it open into the arena?" "Yes."

They were plundered, and beaten with stripes, and kept in suspense for months at the gates of Jerusalem, unable to pay the golden bezant that was to facilitate their entrance. When the first epidemic terror of the day of judgment began to subside, a few pilgrims ventured to return to Europe, their hearts big with indignation at the insults they had suffered.

But in an instant she was calm again, and she took money from her wallet and gave each page a piece of gold, and spoke quietly. "You are brave boys to give me such a message," she said. "But if I chance to find out that you have changed it on the way, you shall each have as many blows as there are French deniers in a Greek bezant and I doubt whether any one knows how many there may be."

Take my lands and gems, and let them be valued, and their price given to pay for the liberty of some poor slaves. It is our marriage offering. As for us, we will get us to our own country." "So be it," answered Saladin. "The lands I will take and devote the sum of them as you desire yes, to the last bezant. The jewels also shall be valued, but I give them back to you as my wedding dower.

The race of Fatemite caliphs, who, although in other respects as tolerant, were more distressed for money, or more unscrupulous in obtaining it, than their predecessors of the house of Abbas, imposed a tax of a bezant for each pilgrim that entered Jerusalem.

"Go to," said Raoul, "we will have no blind bargains; my lady, if the hawks be suitable, is more able to pay for them than thou to give them away. Will a bezant be a conformable price for the cast?" "A bezant, Master Falconer! By my faith, you are no bold bodesman! nevertheless, double your offer, and I will consider it."

"If the hawks are well reclaimed," said Raoul, "I will give you a bezant and a half; but I will see them strike a heron ere I will be so rash as to deal with you." "It is well," said the merchant, "and I had better take your offer than be longer cumbered with them; for were I to carry them into Wales, I might get paid in a worse fashion by some of their long knives. Will you to horse presently?"

Curious enough, Bezant, the doctor, was over here yesterday from Swainson; and as I was walking with him, arm-in-arm, we met Captain Thorn. The two recognized each other and bowed, merely as distant acquaintances. 'Do you know that gentleman? said I to Bezant. 'Yes, he answered, 'it is Mr. Frederick. 'Mr.

'Amusing himself and getting into mischief, was the answer; 'nothing very bad, only the random scrapes of young men. 'Was he often on horseback, riding to a distance? was my next question. 'Yes, that he was, replied Bezant; 'none more fond of galloping across the country than he; I used to tell him he'd ride his horse's tail off. Now, Mr.

"In advance?" "Yes." "Jump in, then and get out your money fifty-five noumias while I push through these howling water-dogs." By the time the boat was clear of the pack, truly enough the passenger was with the fare in hand. "Look," she said, "here is a bezant." At sight of the gold piece, the man's countenance darkened, and he stopped rowing. "I can't change that.