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Old Sally was telling her young mistress, who sometimes listened with a smile, and sometimes lost a good five minutes together of her gentle prattle, how the young gentleman, Mr. Mervyn, had taken that awful old haunted habitation, the Tiled House 'beyant at Ballyfermot, and was going to stay there, and wondered no one had told him of the mysterious dangers of that desolate mansion.

"There were worse places than Gib singing-birds were raysonable here, and some of them had rayl beautiful plumage." My countryman, like the Duke of Argyll, had a weakness for ornithology. "That spread of land beyant was where the races were held, and small-arm parties from the fleet sometimes kem ashore and practised there. They used to play cricket there, too.

I'm come, now your own husband him that loved you beyant everything on this earth, to tell you why the last wish o' my heart, which was to sleep where I ought to sleep, by your side, can't be granted to me, and to explain to you why it is, in case you'd miss me from my place beside you. This unfortunate counthry, Bridget, has changed, an' is changin' fast for the worse.

"Afther I was tuk away up to the hill beyant, and found her there, and but I b'lieve I didn't tell you how it happened." "No," said Oonah, coming forward, deadly pale, and listening anxiously, with a look of deep pity in her soft eyes.

I'd sooner stop where I am, so I would I would so there now ye have it!" turning defiantly to his wife. "Sure it'll be the death of the two of us lavin' the ould place, an' thravellin' off across the say among strangers. An' what good will it do us, as I do be sayin' to herself here, for Larry to be puttin' up a monyement for us over beyant there, where there's ne'er a one at all that knows us?"

"Get McGuffey and Fritz; block up the front of the cave with rocks; move in those Moreno women; carry Sergeant Wing back to the farther cave, Miss Harvey will show you where. Stand fast the rest of you. Don't let an Indian close in on us." "Look, lieut'nant," whispers Walsh; "they're coming up down beyant you there."

Mogue was also a good deal subject to the influence of the pathetic, especially when he alluded to the misfortune, glory be to God, which had befallen the family, in the person of a lone line of ancestors, and especially in that of big poor, simple father, whose word, as every one knew, was as good as his oath; and, indeed, very few doubted that remarkable fact, but who, notwithstanding had been transported during the space of seven years for suspicion of perjury; "for didn't the judge tell him, when he passed sentence upon him, that if he had been found guilty all out, or of anything beyant suspicion of it, he would be transported for life; 'an' instead of that, said the judge, 'bekaise I persave, says he, 'that you're an honest man, an' has been sworn against wrongfully in this business, and bekaise I see clearly that you love the truth, the sentence of the coort is, says he, sheddin' tears, 'that you're to be transported only for seven years, an' you lave the coort an' the counthry, says he, 'widout at stain upon your character it's only the law that's against you so, God be wid you, the judge went on, wipin' his eyes, 'and grant you a safe and pleasant voyage acrass, says he, an' he cried for some minutes like a child.

It didn't cut no mustard, an' I drifted to the Bluffs. This train was pullin' west, an' I hired on for guide. I've got a few wagons o' my own iron, flour an' bacon for my post beyant the Rockies ef we don't all git our ha'r lifted afore then! "We're in between the Sioux and the Pawnees now," he went on. "They're huntin' the bufflers not ten mile ahead.

"An' 'imself, too, struck Muldown two pokes, 'efore he lave de hancuffs be pat upon him, at all!" said another of the guardmen; and then turning around, caught a glimpse of poor little Tommy, who had been standing up near a desk, during the scene, nearly "frightened out of his wits." "By the pipers, what! and is't here ye are? The same that was with himself beyant! Come here, you spalpeen you.

It's sartin, though, that she's never saw him, and don't know nothin' about him, or she'd never let him write to her. Of course, he's as ignorant as a mule. He skeercely got beyant pot-hooks when he wuz tryin' to larn writin', an' he spells like a man with a wooden leg. Look here: "'Mi Dere Frend. Now, everybody knows that the way to spell dear is d-e-e-r.