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"If I might venture to suggest, squire, while you are about it, I would ask for a hundred pounds, or even two or three hundred," said Fogg. "Your friends will think all the better of you, and feel more satisfied you intend to repay them." "Do you think so!" cried Nicholas. "Then, by Plutus, it shall be three hundred pounds three hundred at interest.

Franklin meantime selected the body of land upon which he proposed to make settlers' entry, this happily not far from his friend, and soon this too had its house small, crude, brown, meagre, but not uncomforting to one who looked over the wide land and saw none better than his own.

She it was who now lighted Telemachus to his room, and she loved him better than any of the other women in the house did, for she had nursed him when he was a baby.

'You have found that what we told you about that woman was all true. 'Enough of it was true, said Hetta, who, angry as she was with her lover, was not on that account less angry with her mother for disturbing her bliss. 'What do you mean by that, Hetta? Had you not better speak to me openly? 'I say, mamma, that enough was true. I do not know how to speak more openly.

Such another small basin of thin gruel as his own was all that he could, with thorough self-approbation, recommend; though he might constrain himself, while the ladies were comfortably clearing the nicer things, to say: "Mrs. Bates, let me propose your venturing on one of these eggs. An egg boiled very soft is not unwholesome. Serle understands boiling an egg better than any body.

"She is quite a child if he had sent her bonbons she would have liked them even better than flowers." "I understand. I will do my best as you are so good as to trust me," he answered, lowering his voice. A little silence fell between them. Something in the tone had made Janetta's heart beat fast.

In the meanwhile, however, I cut rather an awkward figure for one who has the honour to bear his Majesty's commission, being little better than the receiver of stolen goods.

At any given moment the best painter in England is unlikely to be better than a first-rate man in the French second class. Whistler was never a match for Renoir, Degas, Seurat, and Manet; but Whistler, Steer, and Sickert may profitably be compared with Boudin, Jongkind, and Berthe Morisot.

Lightning and hail had entered the "delightful garden" of Adam's life also, and he had been thrust forth from the little circle of the happy into the great army of the wretched. Purifying powers dwell in undeserved suffering, but no one is made better by unmerited disgrace, least of all a man like Adam.

No one was now paying any attention to Maxence; and he slipped off without the slightest care as to what M. Costeclar might think. Reaching the spot where his cab awaited him, "Which way, boss?" inquired the driver. Maxence hesitated. What better had he to do than to go home? And yet . . . "We'll wait for that same carriage," he answered; "and we'll follow it on the return."