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God knows I only serve to fight those scoundrels; and if I cannot do that, I should be better on shore." When the weather cleared, and a reconnoissance showed the news was false, his intense relief found expression in the words: "I believe this is the only time in my life, that I was glad to hear the French were in port."

She won't find her convent in any drawing-room I know, and the sooner she makes up her mind on that point, the better for her and the better for us. 'Society will listen for five minutes, said Lilian, 'to tales of conventual innocence. 'And be interested in them, said Lord Chadwick, 'as in an account of the last burlesque.

That he was better than these men, morally or ecclesiastically, is not to be pretended; that he was worse measuring achievement by opportunity is strenuously to be denied. For the rest, that he was infinitely more gifted and infinitely more a man of affairs is not to be gainsaid by any impartial critic.

But her physician assured her she could not live long without a change of climate; Captain Montgomery urged that it was better to submit to a temporary separation, than to cling obstinately to her child for a few months, and then leave her for ever; said he must himself go speedily to France, and that now was her best opportunity; assuring her, however, that his circumstances would not permit him to take Ellen with them, but that she would be secure of a happy home with his sister during her mother's absence; and to the pressure of argument Captain Montgomery added the weight of authority insisting on her compliance.

Besides, I wouldn't mind coming here to live for a while. The climate's glorious." "You live here? You'd look well in a wide hat and a blue shirt, wouldn't you, dad?" "More irreverence! Of course I'd look well. And it's worth something to eat the way I do here. I'm getting better every day. Why, they tell me no one has died out here in a hundred years.

"And God is always the same?" "Yes." "Then God's thought is about the narcissus still and the narcissus is better than your thought of it!" Walter was silent. "I should so like to understand!" said Molly. "If you have a thought more beautiful than the narcissus, Walter, I should like to see it! Only if I could see it, it would be a thing, would it not? A thing must be a think before it be a thing.

On Monday night the deceased mended again, and grew better and worse, unaccountably, as long as he lived. On Tuesday morning everything growing worse, he became excessively weak, rambled in his discourse, and grew delirious, had cold, clammy sweats, short cough, and a deep way of fetching his breath; and he observed upon these occasions that an ulcerous matter issued from his fundament.

The rule of the prophetical schools seems to have borne some resemblance to that of the better description of Christian convents in the primitive ages, enjoining abstinence and labour, together with an implicit obedience to the authority of their superiors. The clothing, also, it may be presumed, was humble, and somewhat peculiar.

"I wish it were still more so, that I might the better show to Gilberte how dear she is to me." Calm in appearance, the baroness was scratching with her nails the satin of the chair on which she was sitting. "Then," she went on, "your resolution is settled." "Irrevocably."

And I bade Naani to wait a little minute; and I lookt well up the Gorge and well down the Gorge; and lo! there did be no thing to set me in unease; and I told Mine Own that she keep a sharp and steadfast watching, and not to heed me; and this I said, because I knew she did be like otherwise to look at me and be over-anxious, as I go upward to the cave; and, indeed, she to be better anyway in watch of the Gorge, and to cry out to me, if that anything came anigh, whilst that I went upward.