United States or Lebanon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

They do talk, the hills and the woods and the quiet, only a fellow grows dull, gets his ears full of electric gongs and push-bells, and forgets to listen." The boy looked up with quick-witted question. "Y'aint f'm this part of the kentry, air you?" he asked. "No. I am from well, from Bessietown last. Where are you from?" The boy laughed and glanced gaily at his briar-torn clothes.

"Yes, I know, but when I left my friends at Bessietown yesterday I was hoping I could make it all the way across country to Canaan before to-night." "Oh, you goin' on to Canaan?" "Yes, going on to Canaan." Each time the words had echoed through Steering's head with an old-time promise in a mocking refrain, "Going on to Canaan! Going on to Canaan!"

We had a geological expert who got sadder and sadder every time we spilled out of the waggons and speared around in the rocks for a little while. And we had a great deal of bacon. Still, when we reached Bessietown, where we struck the steam-cars, the Joplin crowd broke for the train on a run.

They gave out at Bessietown, but I've come every foot of the way over the Ridge on horseback, and alone at that. I wanted to see Missouri, get acquainted with the home of my ancestors, at close range, as it were." Madeira chuckled. "God bless you, you certainly went in at the back door to do it," he said. Madeira's God-bless-you's and God-love-you's were valuable crutches to his conversation.