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The Proprietors who sold their shares at this time, were Henry Duke of Beaufort, William Lord Craven, James Bertie, Dodington Greville, Henry Bertie, Mary Danson, Elisabeth More, Sir John Colleton, John Cotton, and Joseph Blake, who before the surrender were possessed, either in their own right or in trust, of seven eight parts of the government and property of the province.

It is what they are. Nap, poor chap, is badly handicapped; but he has been putting up a big fight for himself lately, and he hasn't done so badly. Give the devil his due." "What's he doing now?" demanded Bertie. "It's bad enough to have the whole community gossiping about his flirtations with women that don't count.

"Not exactly; but " "What do you mean?" "I mean I haven't absolutely " "Bertie, your manner is furtive!" "It's all right. It's this way " And I was just going to explain how things stood when out of the library came leaping Uncle Willoughby looking as braced as a two-year-old. The old boy was a changed man. "A most remarkable thing, Bertie! I have just been speaking with Mr.

"That does seem probable," Bertie agreed; "therefore, hurrah for the right-hand side!" "I still think, senor," Dias said, "that there must be treasure concealed somewhere. I should not think a guard would have been placed here, and remained here so many years still keeping watch, as we find they did at that big loophole on the top floor, unless there was something to watch." "Quite so, Dias.

"That'll settle it, I guess," he said, with a wild laugh. And amidst a din of laughter and cheers from the others, he went back to the dining room. One of the other women flung her arms about him hilariously, and Jack Holliday raised a bottle of wine on high, and shouted: "Off with the old love on with the new!" And so Bertie shut the door again, and the scene was hid from Samuel's eyes.

Bertie Tremaine was returned, and his brother, Mr. Tremaine Bertie. Job Thornberry was member for a manufacturing town, with which he was not otherwise connected. Hortensius was successful, and Mr.

Bertie must now have the money instead and go and take his chance." "Where is he now?" "Heaven knows! Smoking in the bottom of Mr. Thorne's ha-ha, or philandering with some of those Miss Chadwicks. Nothing will ever make an impression on him. But he'll be furious if I don't go down." "No, nothing ever will. But don't be long, Charlotte, for I want my tea."

Bertie Tremaine he enjoyed the opportunity of forming an acquaintance with a large body of young men of breeding, of high education, and full of ambition, that was a substitute for the society, becoming his youth and station, which he had lost by not going to the university. With all these individuals, and with all their circles, Endymion was a favourite.

"'My darling, he will say tenderly, 'is there anything I can do? To which your reply will be that there jolly well is viz. reach for his cheque-book and start writing." I was watching her closely as I spoke, and was pleased to note respect suddenly dawn in her eyes. "But, Bertie, this is positively bright." "I told you Jeeves wasn't the only fellow with brain." "I believe it would work."

She sat quite still beside him, turning the matter in her mind. After a little he went on speaking, with eyes half-closed. "It would hit him hard if I went under, but he wouldn't feel so badly if you were there. The mother too she wants someone to lean on. There's Lady Carfax, but she has her own burden. And there'd be a lot for Bertie to see to, Nap being away. Besides "