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It might be necessary finally to obtain the aid of the police, but in that case it was Scotland Yard and not Cowes that the matter must be laid before; and even this should be only a last resort, for above all things it was necessary for Bertha's sake that the matter should be kept a profound secret, and, once in the hands of the police, it would be in all the papers the next day.

I suppose Mrs. Congdon has told you of us?" "Where do you live?" "We live in Chester, but Mr. Fordyce has an office in Philadelphia. We have been engaged a long time, but I couldn't think of marrying while I was so ill. I'm afraid I stayed so long that not even this climate can help me." This was indeed Bertha's conviction, and her untactful silence said as much.

If she mentioned a book or picture, it appeared as if by magic the one among the collection upon Bertha's shelves, the other somewhere upon the walls of her sitting-room, while every day the choicest of flowers found their way, by some unseen agency, to the little table which was devoted to Violet's especial use. Once or twice every week Mr.

It required a certain effort on Bertha's part to realize that this was the same man whom she had loved how many? twelve years ago. Twelve years! She could feel the hot blood mount up into her brow. It seemed to her as though she ought to be ashamed of having gradually grown older. The sun had set. Bertha took Fritz by the hand, bade the others good evening, and walked slowly homewards.

What was this outpouring of senseless bitterness but the tracked creature's attempt to cloud the medium through which it was fleeing? It was on Lily's lips to exclaim: "You poor soul, don't double and turn come straight back to me, and we'll find a way out!" But the words died under the impenetrable insolence of Bertha's smile.

What sayest thou? shall I ask her for thee?" "O Cousin! I would be so " Bertha's ecstatic tone went no farther. It was in quite a different voice that she said "But then there's Father! Oh no, Cousin. Thank you so much, but it won't do." "That will we ask Father," said Avice. "Father couldn't get on, with me and Emma both away," said Bertha, in a tone which she tried to make cheerful.

"I am sorry for it, John," said Dot in a great bustle, "but I really could not think of going to Bertha's I would not do it, John, on any account without the Veal and Ham Pie and things, and the bottles of Beer. Way!" This monosyllable was addressed to the horse, who didn't mind it at all. "Oh, do way, John!" said Mrs. Peerybingle. "Please!"

He armed himself with all his courage, which was assisted by Bertha's tears and entreaties, and started for Corbeil resolved to break off with Jenny. He took every precaution in declaring his intentions, giving the best reasons for his decision that he could think of. "We must be careful, you know, Jenny," said he, "and cease to meet for a while.

The Blind Girl's love for her, and trust in her, and gratitude to her; her own good busy way of setting Bertha's thanks aside; her dexterous little arts for filling up each moment of the visit in doing something useful to the house, and really working hard while feigning to make holiday; her bountiful provision of those standing delicacies, the Veal and Ham Pie and the bottles of Beer; her radiant little face arriving at the door, and taking leave; the wonderful expression in her whole self, from her neat foot to the crown of her head, of being a part of the establishment a something necessary to it, which it couldn't be without, all this the Fairies revelled in, and loved her for.

"I don't know two women less predestined to intimacy from Bertha's standpoint, that is; for of course poor Mattie thinks it natural enough that she should be singled out I've no doubt the rabbit always thinks it is fascinating the anaconda.