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Author of "Five Men and Pompey," 1915; "Young Adventure," 1918; "Heavens and Earth," 1920. Summer Thunder. #Bercovici, Konrad.# Born June 23, 1882. Dobrudgea, Rumania. Educated there and in the streets of Paris. "In other cities it was completed as far as humanly possible." Profession: organist. Chief interests: people, horses, and gardens.

He said: "I have been reading books by Sherwood Anderson, Waldo Frank and Ben Hecht and Konrad Bercovici and Joseph Hergesheimer, and I can see that they are important books, but I feel that the essential point to which all this newly awakened literary consciousness is tending has somehow subtly eluded me.

And ever since I have been dreaming of ... her. Copyright, 1921, by Konrad Bercovici. #By# EDNA CLARE BRYNER From The Dial A life went on in the town of Five Points. Five Points, the town was called, because it was laid out in the form of a star with five points and these points picked it out and circumscribed it. The Life that was lived there was in this wise.

Copyright, 1921, by Edwina Stanton Babcock. #By# KONRAD BERCOVICI From The Dial That winter had been a very severe one in Roumania. The Danube froze solid a week before Christmas and remained tight for five months. It was as if the blue waters were suddenly turned into steel.

In October leaves should be carried away, out over the plains, in a wind. They should go dancing away. By KONRAD BERCOVICI Light and soft, as though the wind were blowing the dust off the silver clouds that floated overhead, the first snow was falling over the barren lands stretching between the Danube and the Black Sea.