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I am sure I would not have waited so long. God greet you, Frau Berbel. Wastei nodded and strode across the sunny court, well satisfied with himself. He had planned the whole meeting, with the useless craftiness of a born woodman. Several days had elapsed since he had bought the coat and found the letter in the lining.

You see it looks likely, because the Jew would have waited at least a year before trying to sell it, for fear of being caught. 'That is true, said Berbel thoughtfully. 'I would not have told the story to any one else, observed Wastei. 'But as you know everything, you may as well know this too. 'What? Is there anything more? 'Nothing particular, answered Wastei.

As for Berbel she believed that the forest itself had helped them, when she saw all that had been accomplished and remembered how she had bought the flax pound by pound at the market.

While Greif and his father were slowly ascending the hill towards their home, while Frau von Greifenstein was looking at herself in her mirror and wondering whether she had not thrown away her youth after all, while Berbel was weaving and Hilda embroidering and the old baroness stitching steadily along the folded linen while all these people were thus quietly and peaceably engaged, an event was brewing which was destined to produce some very remarkable results.

Hilda was too much accustomed to the state of things in which she had grown up, to appreciate her mother's sacrifices, or to feel towards her anything like warm gratitude. She herself did all she could, and that was not little, in the struggle for existence. It is even possible that she was more grateful to Berbel, than to the baroness herself.

Thereupon Berbel was sent to fetch a bottle of wine there had been half a dozen bottles in the cellar thirteen years ago, and this was the first that had been opened and Greifenstein refreshed himself therewith and departed, as stiffly, courteously and kindly as he had come. Greif had come over as often as he pleased during his vacations, and had written whenever he liked during his terms.

Great was the consternation of Berbel when she heard that the young lord of Greifenstein had suddenly fallen ill in the house, but she was not a woman to waste words when time pressed. There was but one thing to be done. Greif must have Hilda's room and Hilda must take up her quarters with her mother.

She had not decided what to do with the letter, but on the whole it seemed wiser not to deliver it on that day. Indeed it would be almost impossible to do so, for any one not absolutely tactless and careless of others' feelings. Berbel was by no means sure, however, whether she should be justified in keeping it more than a few days.

'Nonsense! ejaculated Wastei, who was visibly affected by the speech. 'God greet you, Frau Berbel! he added, turning away abruptly and leaving her standing alone in the court. Berbel looked after him for a few seconds, and there was an unusually tender expression in her sharp eyes, as she watched his retreating figure.

'And I have brought you this, she added, filling the glass, 'because I know you like it. 'Luck! ejaculated Wastei, slipping the twenty-mark piece into the pocket of his waistcoat, and watching the white liquor as it rose nearer to the brim. He took the glass, twisted it in his fingers, held it to the sun, and then looked again at Berbel.