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I thought you were " "A girl o' the road, a creeper o' ditches and byways well, I'm not, I tell ye I'm not! And I only followed ye because you were so wishful to be rid o' me and because you were so silly and young and strange I couldn't understand ye. But I do now, and I'm done wi' you! Go away go away; I hates you more than Bennigo or Jochabed go away, I hates you!"

"Bennigo, you have but three to Jochabed's eight, so Jochabed taketh her unless the nice, kind, young gorgio will give more the fine young gorgio as my wisdom telleth me is other than he do seem aha! What of it, young master aie aie?"

Though it might ha' been worse." "How so?" "Well, though I have no liking for you, neither your looks, nor your ways, nor your talk, you are better than Bennigo and Jochabed that are very brute beasts." Now at this I leapt to my feet and, turning on indignant heel, strode off, but soon she was up with me and together we presently came out into the high road.

She gives me to her grandson Joseph for his mort, but I gives Joseph a touch of my little churi and runs away and happens on Peregrine. But she follows me with Jochabed and Bennigo, that I hates more than Joseph, and she was for going to force me to take him could give most money, and Peregrine has most, so she weds me to Peregrine." "Wed you?" exclaimed the Tinker, blinking.