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"Scar-face Charley is here, too," observed the spokesman, "and he wanted me to tell you that he is going to be at the Bella Union at eight this evenin', and he wants to know, will he see you? and to come heeled." "Thank you, gentlemen," replied Johnny quietly.

For planting in poor, sandy or gravelly soils, or amongst stones and shingle, and where only a very limited number of shrubs could be got to grow, the Spanish Broom will be found an excellent and valuable plant. It is a native of Southern Europe, and is quite hardy all over the country. Propagated from seed. SPIRAEA BELLA. Pretty-flowered Spiraea. Himalayas, 1820.

Bella heard the decree and wept silently; and a great gloom fell upon the guests of Molton Chase, who had been left altogether on poor Harry's hands since Mrs. Damer's illness. The dying woman lay very silent and exhausted for some time after she had waked from that brief, memory-restoring sleep. When she next spoke, she said, observing her cousin's swollen eyes "Am I dying, Bella?"

Was it he who was letting her win at his expense! Or was his attention to her causing him to neglect his own game and play it poorly? She decided to quit. She was a few dollars ahead. For excuse she pleaded a headache. Bella accepted the excuse with a cordial nod and a kind inquiry whether she might not like to lie down. "No, thank you," murmured Constance. "But the cards make me nervous to-night.

Then, here come all my attempts at three of those four children; there they are, Henry and John and Bella, from one end of the sheet to the other, and any one of them might do for any one of the rest.

He said to himself, "If Bella really believed the boy was a changeling, she would act upon her conviction, she would urge me to take some steps to recover our true child, whom the gypsies or the fairies have taken, and given us poor dear Reginald instead." But still the conversation, and her strange looks of terror, lay dormant in his mind: both were too remarkable to be ever forgotten.

"I didn't do it, but I saw it done. There weren't two men only one. He did it, and Bella helped him." A wave of laughter drowned him out. "Not so fast," Bill Brown cautioned him. "Kindly explain how Bella helped this man kill herself. Begin at the beginning." "That night, before he turned in, Borg set his burglar alarm " "Burglar alarm?"

"Where is your father, Bella?" Tom asked. "I don't know. Last I saw of him he came through here with a medicine show. I didn't tell Aunt Suse, but I ran away at night and went to Broxton to see him. But he said business was poor. He got paid so much a bottle commission on the sales of Chief Henry Red-dog's Bitters. He didn't think the show would keep going much longer." "Oh!"

Rose's manner than Sylvia had ever seen in it before. She was silent for a few moments, then she said, 'I ha' often thought of telling yo' and Hester, special-like, when yo've been so kind to my little Bella, that Philip an' me could niver come together again; no, not if he came home this very night She would have gone on speaking, but Hester interrupted her with a low cry of dismay.

Pa, do, I beg and pray, get leave for the rest of the day, and come and pass it with me! 'Well, my dear, I'll cut back and ask for leave. 'But before you cut back, said Bella, who had already taken him by the chin, pulled his hat off, and begun to stick up his hair in her old way, 'do say that you are sure I am giddy and inconsiderate, but have never really slighted you, Pa.