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we will believ your word but I fear the Indians above will not believe your word. I will think that 1/2 of the men who will return will Stay in this Village 1/2 below in the other villages

Afterward more nor an hour, she cum out ain being carred in his harmes. And if your ladishipp dont believ me, let your ladishipp rite to miss elizbeth, as had this same misfortune to see as your tru frend, "The Riter." In due course this charming communication reached Lady Honoria, bearing a London post-mark. She read and re-read it, and soon mastered its meaning. The answer came by return.

E. believ'd little in a church as organiz'd-even his own with houses, ministers, or with salaries, creeds, Sundays, saints, Bibles, holy festivals, &c. But he believ' d always in the universal church, in the soul of man, invisibly rapt, ever-waiting, ever-responding to universal truths. He was fond of pithy proverbs. He said, "It matters not where you live, but how you live."

My Father. now I see my two fathers the Children, of my great father, & what you have Said I believe and all my people do believ also My Father- We are verry glad you would take pitty on them this Day, we are pore and have no powder and ball. My Father. We are verry Sorry our women are naked and all our children, no petiecoats or cloathes

The next day before the breaking of the day we foorded the river, & leaving our 3 boats in the wood, went a foot straight towards the place where we have seene the 2 persons; & before we came to the lake we tooke notice of some fresh trakes which made us look to ourselves, and followed the trakes, which brought us to a small river, where no sooner came but we saw a woman loaden with wood, which made us believ that some cottage or village was not afar off.