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Everybody belaves in thim in Kinsington, and I prefer to be exclusive and sciptical, yer honor." "Didn't you tell me yesterday that you believed in spirits going and coming and hoping and waiting, and it gave you great comfort?" "Did I, sur? I forgit it inthirely. It must have been a bad day for my vartigo."

Throth ye can. None iv us that has any sinse belaves in Home Rule. 'Tis only the ignorant that'll belave anything. No, we're quiet hereabouts, never shot anybody, an' not likely to. Yes, the Protestant Church is iligant enough, but there's very few Protestants hereabouts. It's the gentry an' most respectable folks that's Protestants.

An Indian is a poor mean thing at the bist, an' their squaws kah! they are the dirtiest beasts that iver jabbered human lingo; an' their babies, I raaly belaves, is caught with a hook an' line in the muddy creeks where the catfish breed; but, fur all that, I don't think they could have been equal to this piece of wickedness. May the divil git howld of his soul.

Whin he's had two sups o' whiskey he belaves he's dhrunk a bar'l full. A gill o' wather out of a jimmy-john'd fuddle him, mum." "Isn't there anybody to look after him?" "No, mum, he's an orphan; his father and mother live in the owld counthry, an' a fine hale owld couple they are." "Hasn't he any family in the town?" "Sure, mum, he has a family; wasn't he married this blessed mornin'?"

"Shure, honey, it's not so bad the way they tell it now," she explained, consolingly. "Nobody belaves now it was yer father that got kilt. It was two fellers what stole his outfit, clothes an' all, an' was drivin' off wid 'em inter the sand hills. Divil a wan does know who kilt 'em, but there's some ugly stories travellin' about.

O'Fake was eminent for his attainments as a speaker, and well he knew it. A murmur of applause broke out as he stopped, but he stilled it with a majestic wave of the hand. "Sor," he continued, "I am wan av those which belaves that the managers nades a lesson. They nades to be towld, sor, that Frakes is not dogs. They have gone on in their coorse " At this point a shrill "Mr.

"I said dot I vould be as goot a sby as vot Tim Murphies vould be, see? und I vill stand me by dot statements, alretty." "Wull, Oi have not said thot Oi would make a good spy, Dootchy," said Tim, "so you wouldn't have to be much in thot line to aquil me. But whin it comes to foightin', now, it's mesilf belaves Oi have yez bate, Fritz, me bye."

Whin he's had two sups o' whiskey he belaves he's dhrunk a bar'l full. A gill o' wather out of a jimmy-john 'd fuddle him, mum." "Is n't there anybody to look after him?" "No, mum, he's an orphan; his father and mother live in the owld counthry, an' a fine hale owld couple they are." "Has n't he any family in the town" "Sure, mum, he has a family; was n't he married this blessed mornin'?"

"It's meself that belaves he howlds some spite agin Mister Harvey for something done in years agone, and has taken this means of revinging himself upon the good man, as I am sure niver did one of his fellow-creatures any harm."

I belaves, by me sowl, that ivery tree has got a tongue, for hear how they whispers and mutters. Niver did I hear the likes. No more singin', Teddy my darlint, to sich an audience." He thereupon relapsed into silence, but it was only momentary.