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Just now her particular interest veered toward athleticism; she had recently returned from a visit to Macon City and brimmed with colourful tales of its "Country Club" life swimming, golf, tennis, horseback riding, and so forth. These pursuits she straightway set out to introduce into drowsy, behind-the-times Cherryvale.

I'd put off the Minneapolis trips till I simply had to go there on a lot of legal matters. "A few years ago I was talking to a patent lawyer from Chicago, and I realized that I'd always felt so superior to people like Julius Flickerbaugh, but I saw that I was as provincial and behind-the-times as Julius. "I decided to leave here. Stern resolution. Grasp the world.

These are the modern forces by which the nation is said to be governed; these are the means by which the nation strives to go ahead. To talk only of these things, to believe only in these things, to live only these things, is to be modern and down low down to-date. To work from any motive but the making of money is to be queerly behind-the-times.

All this is so behind-the-times that one must confess such shocking taste with all humiliation. I hereby beg pardon of the down-to-date powers that be, and most humbly pray that they will graciously forgive my boorishness.

The new in dress, regardless of beauty or fitness in the costume the new in thought, regardless of the saneness of the thinking the new in customs and manner of living the new in the home, in marriage relation, in the education and rearing of children new philosophy, new science, new religion, new art, new music, new books, new cooking, new women it sometimes appears that the crime of crimes, the most degrading disgrace, these days, is to be held old-fashioned, behind-the-times, out-of-date, and that everything, everything, not new is old-fashioned everything not of the times is behind-the-times everything not down-to-date is out-of-date.