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One day, not long after this had happened, as Balna was rocking her baby's cradle, and whilst her sisters were working in the room below, there came to the palace door a man in a long black dress, who said that he was a Fakir, and came to beg.

I have no doubt you would blow up the united armies of the Central Empires if it were possible without a qualm and yet you would make any sacrifice to save the life of one prisoner." "But I was never convinced about you," Sally apologized. "Then after you became so seriously ill I never thought. But I am sure I beg your pardon.

If you stand up as straight as you can you'll be as tall as Mr. Diggs THINKS he is." "See here, my fine lady," began Diggs, annoyed. "Oh, I beg pardon, Mr. Diggs," cried Melissa. "I didn't see you." "You'll get your walking papers if you don't keep your place," said Diggs ominously. "And I'll keep my place if I don't get my walking papers," retorted Melissa, airily.

Brandon seemed to be entirely bewildered by the interruption. He looked at Foster, opened his mouth as though he would speak, then suddenly put his hand to his head. "If you will give me time," he said. "Give me time. I will prove everything, I will indeed. I beg you," he said, suddenly turning to the Dean, "that you will have this appointment postponed for a month.

'I beg pardon, sir, she said, on perceiving him. 'I was going to open it for my lady, and I didn't see you. Christopher moved round the corner. The perpetual snubbing that he had received from Ethelberta ever since he had known her seemed about to be continued through the medium of her dependents.

Caulaincourt tells us that his plan of dashing at Berlin roused general consternation at headquarters, and that the staff came in a body to beg him to give it up, and march back to protect Leipzig. Reluctantly he abandons it, and then only to change it for one equally venturesome.

One morning, Sir John Denham having shut himself up in his study, on some particular business, his servant came to inform him, that one of his tenants, Farmer Harris, desired to speak with him. Sir John told him to show the farmer into the drawing-room, and to beg him to stay one moment, until he had finished writing a letter.

In case, however, he should not, we beg to inform him that the speaker was one of those meritorious enforcers of the law, called, in Scotland, messengers in England, bailiffs. Mr Fairly, again the person spoken to was a fashionable tailor in a certain city not a hundred miles from Arthur's Seat.

"I beg your pardon," he said; "of course I had no notion who you were. She says you saved her life! That but for you she would have been in that boat the boat that was lost." Coxeter tried to say something in denial of this surprising statement, but the doctor hurried on, "I may tell you that I'm very worried about Mrs. Archdale in fact seriously concerned at her condition.

I could therefore, if I pleased, back and confirm the truth hereof by the citations of several texts of scripture; though herein. it were perhaps my duty to beg leave of the divines, that I might so far intrench upon their prerogative.